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RGBLedMatrix Class


Represents RGB LED matrix

public class RGBLedMatrix
type RGBLedMatrix = class
Public Class RGBLedMatrix


RGBLedMatrix(PinMapping, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Construct a new RGBLedMatrix object



Return the time in microseconds used to draw a full display frame


Return the height in pixels of the display


The height in pixels of one matrix in the chain


Set or get the time duration in nanoseconds used in the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).


Return the width in pixels of the display



Dispose the object after done using it.

DrawBitmap(Int32, Int32, Bitmap, Boolean)

Draw a bitmap on the matrix display area

DrawBitmap(Int32, Int32, Bitmap, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)

Draw a bitmap on the matrix display area. The drawing will replace any pixel with the color (red, green, blue) by the color (repRed, repGreen, repBlue)

DrawBitmap(Int32, Int32, BitmapImage, Boolean)

Draw a bitmap on the matrix display area

DrawBitmap(Int32, Int32, BitmapImage, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)

Draw a bitmap on the matrix display area. The drawing will replace any pixel with the color (red, green, blue) by the color (repRed, repGreen, repBlue)

DrawCircle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)

Draw a Circle on the display

DrawText(Int32, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, BdfFont, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)

Draws text on the display at a specified position

DrawText(Int32, Int32, String, BdfFont, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)

Write a text at specific position to the display using the input font and the colors

Fill(Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)

Fill the whole display area with a specific color

FillRectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte, Byte, Boolean)

Fill a rectangle on the display with specific color

SetBackBufferPixel(Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte, Byte)

Set color of specific pixel on the background buffer display

SetPixel(Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte, Byte)

Set color of specific pixel on the forground buffer display


Start rendering on the display area.


Stop rendering on the display area.


Swap the forground and background buffers

Applies to