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PositionProvider Class


Provides high-level methods to obtain position and other aggregated data from NMEA sources. The class takes the best available data sets to generate the required output. A position can for instance be obtained from PositionFastUpdate, GlobalPositioningSystemFixData or RecommendedMinimumNavigationInformation, depending on whatever the GNSS receiver delivers.

public class PositionProvider
type PositionProvider = class
Public Class PositionProvider



Create a position provider from a given data source. The data source is monitored for changes.


Create a position provider using an existing cache. The cache must be updated externally.



Returns the list of satellites in view

TryGetCurrentPosition(GeographicPosition, Angle, Speed, Nullable<Angle>)

Get the current position from the latest message containing any of the relevant data parts. This does not extrapolate the position if the last received message is old

TryGetCurrentPosition(GeographicPosition, Boolean, Angle, Speed, Nullable<Angle>)

Get the current position from the latest message containing any of the relevant data parts. If extrapolate is true, the speed and direction are used to extrapolate the position (many older GNSS receivers only deliver the position at 1Hz or less)

TryGetCurrentPosition(GeographicPosition, String, Boolean, Angle, Speed, Nullable<Angle>, DateTimeOffset)

Get the current position from the latest message containing any of the relevant data parts. If extrapolate is true, the speed and direction are used to extrapolate the position (many older GNSS receivers only deliver the position at 1Hz or less)

TryGetCurrentPosition(GeographicPosition, String, Boolean, Angle, Speed, Nullable<Angle>, DateTimeOffset, DateTimeOffset)

Get the current position from the latest message containing any of the relevant data parts. If extrapolate is true, the speed and direction are used to extrapolate the position (many older GNSS receivers only deliver the position at 1Hz or less)


Returns the current route

Applies to