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Pn5180.GetNumberOfBytesReceivedAndValidBits Method


Get the number of bytes to read and the valid number of bits in the last byte If the full byte is valid then the value of the valid bit is 0

public (int bytes, int validBits) GetNumberOfBytesReceivedAndValidBits ();
public (int Bytes, int ValidBits) GetNumberOfBytesReceivedAndValidBits ();
member this.GetNumberOfBytesReceivedAndValidBits : unit -> ValueTuple<int, int>
Public Function GetNumberOfBytesReceivedAndValidBits () As ValueTuple(Of Integer, Integer)


A tuple whit the number of bytes to read and the number of valid bits in the last byte. If all bits are valid, then the value of valid bits is 0

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