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ControllerEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions Class


Contains extension methods for using Controllers with IEndpointRouteBuilder.

public ref class ControllerEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions abstract sealed
public static class ControllerEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions
type ControllerEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions = class
Public Module ControllerEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions


MapAreaControllerRoute(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String, Object, Object, Object)

Adds endpoints for controller actions to the IEndpointRouteBuilder and specifies a route with the given name, areaName, pattern, defaults, constraints, and dataTokens.

MapControllerRoute(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, Object, Object, Object)

Adds endpoints for controller actions to the IEndpointRouteBuilder and specifies a route with the given name, pattern, defaults, constraints, and dataTokens.


Adds endpoints for controller actions to the IEndpointRouteBuilder without specifying any routes.


Adds endpoints for controller actions to the IEndpointRouteBuilder and adds the default route {controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}.

MapDynamicControllerRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a controller action using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapDynamicControllerRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Object)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a controller action using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapDynamicControllerRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Object, Int32)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a controller action using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapFallbackToAreaController(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a controller endpoint that matches action, controller, and area.

MapFallbackToAreaController(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a controller endpoint that matches action, controller, and area.

MapFallbackToController(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a controller endpoint that matches action, and controller.

MapFallbackToController(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a controller endpoint that matches action, and controller.

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