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LogsCmdletBase Class


Base class for the Azure Insights SDK EventService Cmdlets

public abstract class LogsCmdletBase : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Insights.ManagementCmdletBase
public abstract class LogsCmdletBase : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Insights.MonitorClientCmdletBase
type LogsCmdletBase = class
    inherit ManagementCmdletBase
type LogsCmdletBase = class
    inherit MonitorClientCmdletBase
Public MustInherit Class LogsCmdletBase
Inherits ManagementCmdletBase
Public MustInherit Class LogsCmdletBase
Inherits MonitorClientCmdletBase




_adalListener (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
_clientRequestId (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
_fileTimeStampSuffixFormat (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
_metricHelper (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
_qosEvent (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
_serviceClientTracingInterceptor (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
AUX_HEADER_NAME (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
AUX_TOKEN_APPEND_CHAR (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
AUX_TOKEN_PREFIX (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
EnqueueDebugKey (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
WriteDebugKey (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
WriteInformationKey (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
WriteVerboseKey (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
WriteWarningKey (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)


_dataCollectionProfile (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
_matchers (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
AsJobDynamicParameters (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)

Gets or sets the caller parameter of the cmdlet

DataCollectionWarning (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
DebugMessages (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
DefaultContext (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
DefaultProfile (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)

Gets or sets the detailedoutput parameter of the cmdlet


Gets or sets the endtime parameter of the cmdlet

ImplementationBackgroundJobDescription (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
IsErrorMetricEnabled (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
IsUsageMetricEnabled (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
ModuleName (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
ModuleVersion (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
MonitorClient (Inherited from MonitorClientCmdletBase)

Gets the monitorManagementClient to use in the Cmdlet

(Inherited from ManagementCmdletBase)
(Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
SessionState (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)

Gets or sets the starttime parameter of the cmdlet


Gets or sets the status parameter of the cmdlet


AddConditionIfPResent(String, String, String)

Adds a condition to the query filter based on the give name and the value

AddDebuggingFilter(Regex) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
BeginProcessing() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
CheckIfInteractive() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
ConfirmAction(Boolean, String, String, String, Action, Func<Boolean>) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
ConfirmAction(Boolean, String, String, String, Action) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
ConfirmAction(String, String, Action) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
ConfirmResourceAction(String, Boolean, String, String, Action, Func<Boolean>) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
ConfirmResourceAction(String, String, Action) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
ConfirmResourceAction(String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, Action, Func<Boolean>) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
ConfirmResourceAction(String, String, String, String, Action) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
ConstructPSObject(String, Object[]) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
CurrentPath() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
Dispose() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
Dispose(Boolean) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
EndProcessing() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)

Execute the cmdlet

(Inherited from MonitorCmdletBase)
FlushInitializationWarnings() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
GetAuxilaryAuthHeaderFromResourceIds(List<String>) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
GetAuxiliaryAuthHeaderFromTenantIds(IEnumerable<String>) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)

Gets a string with the name of the cmdlet defined by the type t

(Inherited from MonitorCmdletBase)

Gets the default query time range

GetDynamicParameters() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
InitDebuggingFilter() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
InitializeQosEvent() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
IsDataCollectionAllowed() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
IsTerminatingError(Exception) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
IsVerbose() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)

A predicate to filter in/out the records from original list of records obtained from the SDK.

This method is intended to allow descendants of this class to further filter the results.

An example of this is when the filtering is needed based on Category and ResourceUri at the same time. The SDK does not allow these two fields to be in the query filter togheter. So the call should filter by one and then use this function to filter by the second one.

LoadModuleVersion(String, Boolean) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
LogCmdletEndInvocationInfo() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
LogCmdletStartInvocationInfo() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
LogQosEvent() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)

Process the general parameters (i.e. defined in this class) and the particular parameters (i.e. the parameters added by the descendants of this class).


Process the parameters defined by the descendants of this class

ProcessRecord() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)

Execute the cmdlet

RegisterDynamicParameters(RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
RequireDefaultContext() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
ResolveUserPath(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
ResolveUserPath(String[]) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
SafeWriteOutputPSObject(String, Object[]) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
SetBackgroundJobDescription(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
SetMaxEventsIfPresent(String, Int32)

Sets the max number of records to fetch

SetupDebuggingTraces() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
SetupHttpClientPipeline() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
ShouldGetByName(String, String) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
ShouldListByResourceGroup(String, String) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
ShouldListBySubscription(String, String) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
SubResourceWildcardFilter<T>(String, IEnumerable<T>) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
TearDownDebuggingTraces() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
TearDownHttpClientPipeline() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
ThrowTerminatingError(ErrorRecord) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
TopLevelWildcardFilter<T>(String, String, IEnumerable<T>) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
TryGetDefaultContext(IAzureContext) (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet)
WriteCommandDetail(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteDebug(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteDebugWithTimestamp(String, Object[]) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteDebugWithTimestamp(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteError(ErrorRecord) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteErrorWithTimestamp(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteExceptionError(Exception) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteIdentifiedWarning(String, String, String, Boolean)

Writes a warning message with the name of the cmdlet, a topic and the message itself

(Inherited from MonitorCmdletBase)
WriteInformation(Object, String[]) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteInformation(String, Nullable<Boolean>) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteInformationWithTimestamp(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteInitializationWarnings(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteObject(Object, Boolean) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteObject(Object) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteProgress(ProgressRecord) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteSurvey() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteVerbose(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteVerboseWithTimestamp(String, Object[]) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteVerboseWithTimestamp(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteWarning(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)
WriteWarningWithTimestamp(String) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet)

Extension Methods


Applies to