CreateOrUpdate(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, GatewayContract, String)
Creates or updates a Gateway to be used in Api Management instance.
CreateOrUpdateAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, GatewayContract, String, CancellationToken)
Creates or updates a Gateway to be used in Api Management instance.
Delete(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, String)
Deletes specific Gateway.
DeleteAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, String, CancellationToken)
Deletes specific Gateway.
GenerateToken(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, GatewayTokenRequestContract)
Gets the Shared Access Authorization Token for the gateway.
GenerateTokenAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, GatewayTokenRequestContract, CancellationToken)
Gets the Shared Access Authorization Token for the gateway.
Get(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String)
Gets the details of the Gateway specified by its identifier.
GetAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, CancellationToken)
Gets the details of the Gateway specified by its identifier.
GetEntityTag(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String)
Gets the entity state (Etag) version of the Gateway specified by its
GetEntityTagAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, CancellationToken)
Gets the entity state (Etag) version of the Gateway specified by its
ListByService(IGatewayOperations, String, String, ODataQuery<GatewayContract>)
Lists a collection of gateways registered with service instance.
ListByServiceAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, ODataQuery<GatewayContract>, CancellationToken)
Lists a collection of gateways registered with service instance.
ListByServiceNext(IGatewayOperations, String)
Lists a collection of gateways registered with service instance.
ListByServiceNextAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, CancellationToken)
Lists a collection of gateways registered with service instance.
ListKeys(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String)
Retrieves gateway keys.
ListKeysAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, CancellationToken)
Retrieves gateway keys.
RegenerateKey(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, GatewayKeyRegenerationRequestContract)
Regenerates specified gateway key invalidating any tokens created with it.
RegenerateKeyAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, GatewayKeyRegenerationRequestContract, CancellationToken)
Regenerates specified gateway key invalidating any tokens created with it.
Update(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, GatewayContract, String)
Updates the details of the gateway specified by its identifier.
UpdateAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, String, GatewayContract, String, CancellationToken)
Updates the details of the gateway specified by its identifier.