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IDefaultAccountsOperations Interface


DefaultAccountsOperations operations.

public interface IDefaultAccountsOperations
type IDefaultAccountsOperations = interface
Public Interface IDefaultAccountsOperations


GetWithHttpMessagesAsync(Guid, String, String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Gets the default account information set for the scope.

RemoveWithHttpMessagesAsync(Guid, String, String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Removes the default account from the scope.

SetWithHttpMessagesAsync(DefaultAccountPayload, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Sets the default account for the scope.

Extension Methods

Get(IDefaultAccountsOperations, Guid, String, String)

Gets the default account information set for the scope.

GetAsync(IDefaultAccountsOperations, Guid, String, String, CancellationToken)

Gets the default account information set for the scope.

Remove(IDefaultAccountsOperations, Guid, String, String)

Removes the default account from the scope.

RemoveAsync(IDefaultAccountsOperations, Guid, String, String, CancellationToken)

Removes the default account from the scope.

Set(IDefaultAccountsOperations, DefaultAccountPayload)

Sets the default account for the scope.

SetAsync(IDefaultAccountsOperations, DefaultAccountPayload, CancellationToken)

Sets the default account for the scope.

Applies to