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Result Enum


Generic result type used by the Remote Rendering API.

public enum class Result
public enum Result
type Result = 
Public Enum Result


AlreadyConnected 918

A connection has been established before.

AlreadyDeinitialized 9

Static de-initialization of remote rendering has already been performed.

AlreadyExists 602

An object of the same type already exists on the target.

AlreadyInitialized 8

Static initialization of remote rendering has been called multiple times.

ApiUnavailable 7


ArrVersionMismatch 919

The client SDK version is not supported anymore. Please update.

AuthenticationFailed 904

Authentication with the handshake server failed.

BadStateTransition 1204


BufferTooSmall_Deprecated 5

Not used.

Cancelled 2

The user canceled the operation.

CannotWriteTargetFile 306

The target file cannot be written

ComponentLimitReached 606

Tried to add a component, but the maximum number of this component was already present.

ConnectionFailed 1506

Remote rendering connection failed. Exact reason unknown.

ConnectionLost 914

Connection has been closed by peer.

ConnectionRefused 1505

Remote rendering connection refused by destination host.

ConnectionReturnValueEnd 1100

Internal: Maximum value of the range of connection result values.

ConnectionReturnValueLast 929

Internal: Last used value of the range of connection result values.

ConnectionReturnValueStart 899

Internal: Start of the range of connection result values.

CoreReturnValueEnd 200

Internal: Maximum value of the range of core result values.

CoreReturnValueLast 16

Internal: Last used value of the range of core result values.

CoreReturnValueStart -1

Internal: Start of the range of core result values.

CyclicReference 603

Re-parenting this entity to the target entity would create a cycle in the entity hierarchy.

DeviceLost 915

Connection has been closed due to graphics device loss.

DisconnectRequest 916

Connection has been closed by request.

DomainUnreachable 1504

Remote rendering domain is unreachable. Url may be invalid or Azure Remote Rendering is not supported in this region.

ExceedsMemoryLimit 305

Loading this model would exceed GPU memory limits. Request a larger server, or reduce the amount of loaded models.

Fail 1

General failure.

FailedToOpenFile 303

The requested file is either corrupt or not recognized.

FailedToStartTool 1205

An internal tool failed to start

FeatureUnsupportedInCompositionMode 607

Returned when trying to enable a feature that is not supported in the current rendering composition mode (see enum ServiceRenderMode)

FileCorrupt 307

The target file is corrupt or in an unsupported format

FileDownloadFailed 304

Downloading the file from the provided URI failed.

FileNotFound 300

The requested file did not exist.

FileUploadFailed 308

Internal: Uploading the file to the provided URI failed.

GraphicsBindingIncomplete 1208

GraphicsBinding incomplete. In case of OpenXR, the OpenXR instance has not been created yet. In case of WMR, the HolographicSpace has not been created yet or the device setup via HolographicSpace::SetDirect3D11Device has not called yet. Also, make sure to call StartupRemoteRendering before anything graphics related.

HandshakeConnectionFailed 903

Handshake server closed the connection prematurely; likely due to TLS/Plain mismatch or invalid certificate.

HandshakeConnectionRefused 921

No connection could be made because the remote side actively refused it. Usually this means that no host application is running.

HandshakeFailed 907

Handshake failed. Reason not further specified.

HandshakeNetworkUnreachable 920

Network is unreachable. This usually means the client knows no route to reach the remote host.

HandshakePortBusy 901

Internal: Handshake port could not be opened for accepting connections.

HandshakeUnreachable 902

Handshake server is unreachable.

IncompatibleTransportProtocols 906

No common transport protocol could be determined during handshake.

IncompatibleVersion_Deprecated 302

Not used.

IndexOutOfRange 11

The index passed into the API is outside the valid range.

InProgress 12

An async operation has not yet finished.

InsufficientSlots 1206

Internal: Insufficient number of slots in Frontend.

InternalError 927

Connection failed due to an internal error.

InvalidId 600

The provided object ID is not valid (anymore).

InvalidParam 3

Incorrect user input for the operation.

InvalidParentId 601

The parent entity with the provided ID does not exist.

InvalidToken 1500

The secure connection failed. Check the account settings.

InvalidToolId 1200

Internal: Invalid tool ID.

InvalidType 4

An object with incorrect type was passed in.

InvalidUri 1501

The user provided URI is malformed.

InvalidVersion 301

The requested file is either corrupt or uses an old version that is not supported anymore.

LoadFileReturnValueEnd 500

Internal: Maximum value of the range of file load result values.

LoadFileReturnValueLast 310

Internal: Last used value of the range of file load result values.

LoadFileReturnValueStart 299

Internal: Start of the range of file load result values.

ManagerAlreadyCreated 1201

The remote rendering manager has already been created.

ManagerNotCreatedYet 1202

The remote rendering manager has not been created yet.

ManagerReturnValueEnd 1400

Internal: Maximum value of the range of manager result values.

ManagerReturnValueLast 1209

Internal: Last used value of the range of manager result values.

ManagerReturnValueStart 1199

Internal: Start of the range of manager result values.

NoConnection 6

Operation requires an active connection.

NoServerCertificate 900

Internal: Secure connection enabled, but certificate was missing, invalid, or not usable.

NotInitialized 13

Static initialization of remote rendering hasn't been done yet.

NotSupported 15

An operation is not supported on the target platform.

ObjectLocked_Deprecated 604

Not used.

ObjectReturnValueEnd 800

Internal: Maximum value of the range of object result values.

ObjectReturnValueLast 608

Internal: Last used value of the range of object result values.

ObjectReturnValueStart 599

Internal: Start of the range of object result values.

ObjectStatic 605

Tried to transform or re-parent an object that is part of a static scene graph. See 'SceneGraphMode=static' model conversion option.

OtherSessionConnected 1203

Another session is already connected to this runtime.

OutOfCapacity 1508

Could not create a session of given size and region due to lack of capacity in the service.

PeerDisconnectRequest 923

Disconnecting after receiving a disconnect request from the peer.

PeerDisconnectTimeout 924

Timed out while waiting for peer to close connection.

PrepareRenderNotCalled 1207

PrepareRender has not been called before BlitRemoteFrame.

ProtocolError 912

A protocol error occurred that was severe enough to invalidate the current connection or connection attempt.

ProtocolVersionMismatch 911

Transport connection was closed due to protocol version mismatch.

RemotingHandshakeTimeout 926

Timed out while waiting for the remoting handshake to complete.

RemotingVersionMismatch 905

No common compatible remoting version could be determined during handshake.

SessionNotFound 1502

The session to the user provided session Id could not be found.

SessionOpenTimeout 925

Timed out while waiting for transport session to be opened.

SessionReturnValueEnd 1700

Internal: Maximum value of the range of session result values.

SessionReturnValueLast 1509

Internal: Last used value of the range of session result values.

SessionReturnValueStart 1499

Internal: Start of the range of session result values.

StringNotValidUtf8 14

The string passed into the API is not valid.

StringTooLong 10

The string passed into the API is longer than allowed.

Success 0

Operation completed successfully.

Timeout 1507

Remote rendering connection timeout.

Timeout_Deprecated 917


TooManyRequests 1503

Internal: The rate limit has been exceeded. Retry the request after the duration given in the Retry-After header.

TransportConnectionFailed 910

Transport connection was closed before all communication channels had been set up.

TransportPortBusy 908

Internal: Transport port could not be opened for accepting connections.

TransportUnreachable 909

Transport server is unreachable.

UnsupportedDisplayAdapter 928

Returned when trying to run remote rendering with an unsupported adapter like "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter".

UnsupportedFileProvider 309

Internal: Files can only be up/downloaded from OneDrive or Azure Blob Storage.

VideoCodecNotAvailable 913

Transport connection was closed due to the requested video codec not being available.

VideoFormatNotAvailable 922

Transport connection was closed due to the requested video format not being available.

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