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Renamer Class


public ref class Renamer abstract sealed
public static class Renamer
type Renamer = class
Public Class Renamer


RenameDocumentAsync(Document, DocumentRenameOptions, String, IReadOnlyList<String>, CancellationToken)

Call to perform a rename of document or change in document folders. Returns additional code changes related to the document being modified, such as renaming symbols in the file.

Each change is added as a Renamer.RenameDocumentAction in the returned ApplicableActions.

Each action may individually encounter errors that prevent it from behaving correctly. Those are reported in GetErrors(CultureInfo).

Current supported actions that may be returned:

RenameDocumentAsync(Document, String, IReadOnlyList<String>, OptionSet, CancellationToken)

Call to perform a rename of document or change in document folders. Returns additional code changes related to the document being modified, such as renaming symbols in the file.

Each change is added as a Renamer.RenameDocumentAction in the returned ApplicableActions.

Each action may individually encounter errors that prevent it from behaving correctly. Those are reported in GetErrors(CultureInfo).

Current supported actions that may be returned:

RenameSymbolAsync(Solution, ISymbol, String, OptionSet, CancellationToken)
RenameSymbolAsync(Solution, ISymbol, SymbolRenameOptions, String, CancellationToken)

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