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ManagementPackCategoryType Enum


Defines the category of an object in a management pack, such as a task, rule, or monitor.

public enum class ManagementPackCategoryType
public enum ManagementPackCategoryType
type ManagementPackCategoryType = 
Public Enum ManagementPackCategoryType


Alert 5

Specifies the object used for alerts.

AvailabilityHealth 8

Specifies the object used to check for availability of other objects.

ConfigurationHealth 10

Specifies the object used to check the configuration of other objects.

ConnectorFramework 15

Specifies the object used in the connector framework.

Custom 7

Specifies a custom object.

Discovery 12

Specifies a discovery object.

DSIntegration 14

Specifies the object used for data source integration.

EventCollection 2

Specifies the object used for collecting events.

ExceptionMonitoring 16

Specifies the object used for exception monitoring.

Maintenance 17

Specifies the object used for maintenance.

None 18

Specifies no category of an object in a management pack.

Notification 13

Specifies the object used for notifications.

Operations 1

Specifies the object used for operations.

PerformanceCollection 0

Specifies the object used for collecting performance data.

PerformanceHealth 9

Specifies the object used for performance health monitoring.

SecurityHealth 11

Specifies the object used for security health monitoring.

SoftwareAndUpdates 4

Specifies the object used for updates to software.

StateCollection 3

Specifies the object used for collecting state information about an object.

System 6

Specifies the object used for system operations.

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