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MaintenanceModeReason Enum


Enum that defines the various maintenance mode reasons.

public enum class MaintenanceModeReason
public enum MaintenanceModeReason
type MaintenanceModeReason = 
Public Enum MaintenanceModeReason


ApplicationInstallation 10

Application : Installation

ApplicationUnresponsive 11

Application : Unresponsive

ApplicationUnstable 12

Application : Unstable

LossOfNetworkConnectivity 14

Loss of network connectivity

PlannedApplicationMaintenance 8

Application : Maintenance (Planned)

PlannedHardwareInstallation 4

Hardware : Installation (Planned)

PlannedHardwareMaintenance 2

Hardware : Maintenance (Planned)

PlannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration 6

Opperation System : Reconfiguration (Planned)

PlannedOther 0

Other (Planned)

SecurityIssue 13

Security issue

UnplannedApplicationMaintenance 9

Application : Maintenance (Unplanned)

UnplannedHardwareInstallation 5

Hardware : Installation (Unplanned)

UnplannedHardwareMaintenance 3

Hardware : Maintenance (Unplanned)

UnplannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration 7

Opperation System : Reconfiguration (Unplanned)

UnplannedOther 1

Other (Unplanned)

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