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ContactAvailability Enum


Defines known availability types.

public enum class ContactAvailability
public enum ContactAvailability
type ContactAvailability = 
Public Enum ContactAvailability


Away 15500

A flag indicating that the contact cannot be alerted.

Busy 6500

A flag indicating that the contact is busy and inactive.

BusyIdle 7500

idle states are machine state and can not be published as user state.

DoNotDisturb 9500

A flag indicating that the contact does not want to be disturbed.

Free 3500

A flag indicating that the contact is available.

FreeIdle 5000

idle states are machine state and can not be published as user state.

Invalid -1
None 0

A flag indicating that the contact state is to be reset to the default availability that is calculated by Lync and based on current user activity and calendar state.

Offline 18500

A flag indicating that the contact is not available.

TemporarilyAway 12500

A flag indicating that the contact is temporarily un-alertable.

Applies to