ServiceClient Class


Contains the various API operations for the service client to interact with Master Data Services.

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("System.ServiceModel", "")]
public class ServiceClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<Microsoft.MasterDataServices.IService>, Microsoft.MasterDataServices.IService



Initializes a new instance of the ServiceClient class with default values.

ServiceClient(Binding, EndpointAddress)

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceClient class that has the specified binding and remote address.

ServiceClient(String, EndpointAddress)

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceClient class that has the specified endpoint configuration name and remote address.

ServiceClient(String, String)

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceClient class that has the specified endpoint configuration name and remote address as a string.


Initializes a new instance of the ServiceClient class with the specified endpoint configuration name.


AnnotationsDelete(International, Int32)

Deletes the existing annotation with the specified identifier.

AnnotationsUpdate(International, String, Int32)

Updates the existing annotation with the specified identifier.

AttributeChange(International, MetadataAttribute, Collection<String>, Guid, OperationResult)

Changes an attribute with the specified values.

BusinessRulesClone(International, BusinessRules)

Creates the new business rules using the specified set of business rules, retaining the globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) of the original objects.

BusinessRulesCreate(International, BusinessRules, Boolean)

Creates new business rules instance.

BusinessRulesDelete(International, BRDeleteCriteria)

Deletes the business rule or components of rules with the given criteria.

BusinessRulesGet(International, BRGetCriteria, BRResultOptions, OperationResult)

Retrieves the business rules with the given criteria.

BusinessRulesPaletteGet(International, BREntityMemberType, OperationResult)

Retrieves the available business rule components (the component palette) for the specified member type.

BusinessRulesPublish(International, BRPublishCriteria)

Publishes the business rules with the given criteria.

BusinessRulesUpdate(International, BusinessRules)

Updates the existing business rules.

DataQualityCleansingOperationCreate(International, Collection<DataSourceFieldMapping>, Int64, OperationResult)

Creates an operation for DQS quality cleansing.

DataQualityInstalledState(International, OperationResult)

Determines whether the DQS is properly installed and configured to work with Master Data Services with the specified setting.

DataQualityKnowledgeBasesGet(International, OperationResult)

Gets the collection of knowledgebase configured in DQS.

DataQualityMatchingOperationCreate(International, Int64, MatchingPolicy, OperationResult)

Creates an operation for DQS matching.

DataQualityOperationPurgeOperation(International, Guid)

Returns a purge operation for DQS operation.

DataQualityOperationResultsGet(International, Int32, Guid, Int32, OperationResult)

Retrieves the results of a completed DQS operation.

DataQualityOperationStart(International, Guid, OperationResult, OperationStatus)

Starts a DQS operation.

DataQualityOperationStatus(International, Guid, OperationResult, OperationStatus)

Retrieves the status of a running DQS operation.

DataQualityStoreInputData(International, TabularData, Guid)

Retrieves the data for the data quality store input.

EntityMemberAnnotationsCreate(International, Collection<Annotation>, Identifier, MemberIdentifier, Identifier, Identifier)

Creates new annotations attached to a member.

EntityMemberAnnotationsGet(International, Identifier, MemberIdentifier, Identifier, Identifier, OperationResult)

Retrieves the annotations attached to a member.

EntityMemberAttributesGet(International, EntityMembers)

Retrieves a single attribute value for a member in an entity.

EntityMemberKeyLookup(International, Identifier, MemberKeyLookupType, Collection<MemberKey>, MemberType, Identifier, Identifier)

This feature will be removed in the next version of Microsoft SQL Server. Do not use this feature in new development work, and modify applications that currently use this feature as soon as possible.

EntityMembersCopy(International, EntityMembersCopyCriteria)

Copies the selected members to new target members.

EntityMembersCreate(International, EntityMembers, Boolean, OperationResult)

Creates new members.

EntityMembersDelete(International, EntityMembers)

Deletes or deactivates the selected members.

EntityMembersGet(International, EntityMembersGetCriteria, EntityMembersInformation, OperationResult)

Retrieves the filtered set of members and their data from an entity.

EntityMembersMerge(International, EntityMembers, Boolean, OperationResult)

Creates new members and updates existing members.

EntityMembersUpdate(International, EntityMembers)

Updates the existing members.

EntityStagingClear(International, Int32, Identifier)

Clears the entity staging area with the specified batch identifier.

EntityStagingGet(International, EntityStagingGetCriteria, Collection<EntityStagingBatch>, OperationResult)

Retrieves the contents of the entity staging area.

EntityStagingLoad(International, String, EntityStagingImportType, Collection<EntityMembers>, Boolean, Collection<Identifier>)

Loads the members and its relationship into the entity staging area.

EntityStagingProcess(International, String, Identifier, MemberType, Identifier, OperationResult)

Sets the batch, via batch tag, entity identifier, member type, and version identifier, to be queued for processing.

ExportViewCreate(International, ExportView)

Creates a new export (subscription) view.

ExportViewDelete(International, Identifier)

Removes the existing export view with the specified identifier.

ExportViewListGet(International, OperationResult)

Retrieves the list of existing export views.

ExportViewUpdate(International, ExportView)

Updates the existing export view.

HierarchyMembersGet(International, HierarchyMembersGetCriteria, OperationResult)

Retrieves the parent-child members from a hierarchy relative to a parent node.

MetadataClone(International, Metadata)

Creates exact copies of metadata components from another source, retaining the globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) of the original objects.

MetadataCreate(International, Metadata, Boolean, OperationResult)

Creates new metadata components.

MetadataDelete(International, Metadata)

Deletes the specified metadata components.

MetadataGet(International, MetadataResultOptions, MetadataSearchCriteria, OperationResult)

Retrieves the metadata for the given criteria.

MetadataUpdate(International, Metadata)

Updates the specified metadata.

ModelMembersBulkDelete(International, Collection<EntityMembers>, Collection<Identifier>)

Begins the asynchronous bulk deletion of members.

ModelMembersBulkMerge(International, Collection<EntityMembers>, Collection<Identifier>)

Begins the asynchronous bulk creation and/or update of member data across one or more entities.

ModelMembersBulkUpdate(International, Collection<EntityMembers>, Collection<Identifier>)

Begins the asynchronous bulk update of member data across one or more entities.

ModelMembersGet(International, ModelMembersGetCriteria, ModelMembersResultCriteria, OperationResult)

Retrieves the entire selected models, entities and/or hierarchies.

SecurityPrincipalsClone(International, SecurityPrincipals)

Creates exact copies of users, groups and their permissions within the security model from another source, retaining the GUIDs of the original objects.

SecurityPrincipalsCreate(International, SecurityPrincipals, SecuritySet)

Creates new users, groups and their permissions within the security model.

SecurityPrincipalsDelete(International, SecurityPrincipalsDeleteCriteria)

Deletes users and groups.

SecurityPrincipalsGet(International, SecurityPrincipalsCriteria, SecurityPrincipals)

Retrieves security principals and their permissions.

SecurityPrincipalsUpdate(International, SecurityPrincipals)

Updates security principals.

SecurityPrivilegesClone(International, SecurityPrivileges)

Creates exact copies of permissions within the security model from another source, retaining the globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) of the original objects.

SecurityPrivilegesCreate(International, SecurityPrivileges, SecuritySet)

Creates security privileges.

SecurityPrivilegesDelete(International, SecurityPrivilegesDeleteCriteria)

Deletes the permissions for the specified criteria.

SecurityPrivilegesGet(International, SecurityPrivilegesGetCriteria, SecurityPrivileges)

Retrieves the security permissions for selected principals and/or models.

SecurityPrivilegesUpdate(International, SecurityPrivileges)

Updates the specified security privileges.


Determines whether the Master Data Services Web service is up and running and is connected to the database.

ServiceVersionGet(International, OperationResult, Version)

Retrieves the version of the service instance.

StagingClear(International, Collection<Identifier>, Int32, Int32, OperationResult, Int32)

Clears the bulk staging area.

StagingGet(International, Boolean, StagingResultCriteria, StagingSearchCriteria, OperationResult, Collection<StagingUnbatchedInformation>)

Retrieves the contents of the bulk staging area.

StagingNameCheck(International, String, OperationResult)

Checks the staging name to see if the name is unique or the name is already used.

StagingProcess(International, Boolean, StagingUnbatchedCriteria, OperationResult)

Sweeps the existing unbatched records in the staging tables into a batch for processing and launches execution of the staging queue on request.

SystemDomainListGet(International, SystemDomainListGetCriteria, Collection<SystemDomainList>)

Retrieves a localized fixed list of choices based on a list code.

SystemPropertiesGet(International, Collection<SystemPropertyValue>)

Retrieves the immutable properties about the system.

SystemSettingsGet(International, SystemSettingsGetCriteria, Collection<SystemSettingGroup>)

Retrieves the list of system settings.

SystemSettingsUpdate(International, Collection<SystemSettingGroup>)

Updates the system setting values.

TransactionAnnotationsCreate(International, Collection<Annotation>, Int32)

Creates new annotations attached to an existing transaction.

TransactionAnnotationsGet(International, Int32, OperationResult)

Retrieves the filtered list of transaction annotations from a model.

TransactionsGet(International, TransactionSearchCriteria, Int32, Collection<Transaction>)

Retrieves the filtered list of transactions from a model.

TransactionsReverse(International, Collection<Int32>, Collection<ReplacementId>)

Reverses one or more existing transactions.

UserPreferencesDelete(International, Boolean, Dictionary<String,String>)

Deletes the specified user’s preferences.

UserPreferencesGet(International, Dictionary<String,String>)

Retrieves the specified user’s preferences.

UserPreferencesUpdate(International, Dictionary<String,String>)

Updates the specified user’s preferences.

ValidationGet(International, ValidationSearchCriteria, OperationResult, Collection<ValidationSummaryItem>, Int32, Collection<ValidationIssue>)

Gets the validation issues for the given search criteria.

ValidationProcess(International, ValidationProcessCriteria, ValidationProcessOptions, Collection<ValidationIssue>, ValidationProcessResult)

Processes the validations (business rules) for selected members within a model.

VersionCopy(International, Guid, String, String)

Makes a copy of a version, which includes making a copy of all entity member data.

Explicit Interface Implementations


Deletes an existing annotation.


Updates an existing annotation.


Changes an attribute.


Creates new business rules which are exact copies of business rules from another source, retaining the globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) of the original objects.


Creates new business rules.


Deletes the business rule or components of rules.


Retrieves the business rules.


Retrieves the available business rule components (the component palette).


Publishes the business rules for a model or entity or member type.


Updates the existing business rules.


Creates an operation request for DQS quality cleansing.


Retrieves the DQS state – the response is positive if DQS is properly installed and configured to work with Master Data Services.


Retrieves the list of knowledgebase configured in DQS.


Creates an operation request for DQS matching.


Returns a purge operation for DQS operation.


Retrieves the results of a completed DQS operation.


Starts a DQS operation.


Retrieves the status of a running DQS operation.


Retrieves the data for the data quality store input.


Creates new annotations attached to a member.


Retrieves the annotations attached to a member.


Retrieves the specified set of attribute values from a specified list of members.


This feature will be removed in the next version of Microsoft SQL Server. Do not use this feature in new development work, and modify applications that currently use this feature as soon as possible.


Copies the selected members to new target members.


Creates new members.


Deletes or deactivates the selected members.


Retrieves the filtered set of members and their data from an entity.


Creates new members and updates existing members.


Updates the existing members.


Clears the entity staging area.


Retrieves the contents of the entity staging area.


Loads the contents of the entity staging area.


Sets the batch to be queued for processing.


Generates or regenerates the desired subscription views.


Removes an existing export view.


Retrieves the list of existing export views.


Updates an existing export view.


Retrieves the parent-child members from a hierarchy relative to a parent node.


Creates exact copies of metadata components from another source, retaining the globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) of the original objects.


Creates new metadata components.


Deletes the metadata components.


Retrieves a metadata.


Updates a metadata.


Begins the asynchronous bulk deletion of members.


Begins the asynchronous bulk creation and/or update of member data across one or more entities.


Begins the asynchronous bulk update of member data across one or more entities.


Retrieves the entire selected models, entities and/or hierarchies.


Creates exact copies of users, groups and their permissions within the security model from another source, retaining the GUIDs of the original objects.


Creates new users, groups and their permissions within the security model.


Deletes user and groups.


Retrieves the security principals and their permissions.


Updates the security principals.


Creates an exact copy of permissions within the security model from another source, retaining the globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) of the original objects.


Creates the security privileges.


Deletes the permissions.


Retrieves the security permissions for selected principals and/or models.


Updates the security privileges.


Determines whether the Master Data Services Web service is up and running and is connected to the database.


Retrieves the service version.


Clears the bulk staging area.


Retrieves the contents of the bulk staging area.


Checks the staging name to see if the name is unique or the name is already used.


Sweeps the existing unbatched records in the staging tables into a batch for processing and launches execution of the staging queue on request.


Retrieves the localized fixed list of choices based on a list code.


Retrieves the immutable properties about the system.


Retrieves the list of system settings.


Updates the system setting values.


Creates new annotations attached to an existing transaction.


Retrieves the filtered list of transaction annotations from a model.


Retrieves the filtered list of transactions from a model.


Reverses one or more existing transactions.


Deletes the current user’s preferences.


Retrieves the current user’s preferences.


Updates the current user’s preferences.


Gets the validation issues for the given criteria.


Processes the validations (business rules) for selected members within a model.


Copies a model version to a new version.

Applies to

Product Versions
SQL Server .NET SDK 2016