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EdmErrorCode Enum


EdmLib validation error codes

public enum EdmErrorCode
type EdmErrorCode = 
Public Enum EdmErrorCode


AllNavigationPropertiesMustBeMapped 346

An entity set must have a mapping for all of the navigation properties in its element type.

AlreadyDefined 19

Element name is already defined in this context.

AnnotationApplyToNotAllowedAnnotatable 400

The vocabulary annotation applies to not allowed annotatable element.

BadAmbiguousElementBinding 224

Name collision makes this name ambiguous.

BadCyclicComplex 227

This complex type is part of a cycle.

BadCyclicEntity 229

This entity type is part of a cycle.

BadCyclicEntityContainer 228

This Entity Container is bad because some part of its extends hierarchy is part of a cycle.

BadNavigationProperty 74

Navigation property contains errors.

BadNonComputableAssociationEnd 235

Could not find an association end with that name

BadPrincipalPropertiesInReferentialConstraint 353

The principal properties of a referential constraint must match the key of the referential constraint.

BadProperty 42

The property contains an error.

BadUnresolvedComplexType 98

No complex type with that name exists.

BadUnresolvedEntityContainer 232

Could not find an EntityContainer with that name.

BadUnresolvedEntitySet 233

Could not find an EntitySet with that name.

BadUnresolvedEntityType 281

No entity type with that name exists.

BadUnresolvedEnumMember 302

Could not find a enum member with that name

BadUnresolvedEnumType 360

Enum type could not be resolved.

BadUnresolvedLabeledElement 301

Could not find a LabeledElement with that name

BadUnresolvedNavigationPropertyPath 363

Could not find a navigation property with this name.

BadUnresolvedOperation 239

Could not find a operation with this name.

BadUnresolvedParameter 304

Could not find a Parameter with that name

BadUnresolvedPrimitiveType 226

Could not find a primitive type with this name.

BadUnresolvedProperty 234

Could not find a property with that name

BadUnresolvedReturn 388

Could not find a return on the annotated operation.

BadUnresolvedTarget 361

Could not find a target with this name.

BadUnresolvedTerm 352

Could not find a term with this name.

BadUnresolvedType 225

Could not find a type with this name.

BinaryConstantLengthOutOfRange 332

The length of the binary constant is too large for the asserted type.

BinaryValueCannotHaveEmptyValue 340

A binary value must have content.

BoundFunctionOverloadsMustHaveSameReturnType 368

Bound Function overloads must have the same return type.

BoundOperationMustHaveParameters 268

Bindable operation must have at least one parameter.

CannotAssertNullableTypeAsNonNullableType 310

A nullable type is not valid if a non-nullable type is required.

CannotAssertPrimitiveExpressionAsNonPrimitiveType 311

The expression is a primitive constant, and cannot be valid for an non-primitive type.

CannotInferEntitySetWithMultipleSetsPerType 356

Cannot infer an entity set because more than one set exists of the given type.

CollectionExpressionNotValidForNonCollectionType 315

A collection expression is not valid for a non-collection type.

ComplexTypeBaseTypeCannotBeEdmComplexType 383

The base type of a complex type cannot be Edm.ComplexType.

ComplexTypeMustHaveComplexBaseType 238

The base type of a complex type must also be complex.

ConcurrencyRedefinedOnSubtypeOfEntitySetType 145

Concurrency can't change for any sub types of an EntitySet type.

ConstructibleEntitySetTypeInvalidFromEntityTypeRemoval 231

This entity set became invalid because the entity that it was of the type of was removed from the model.

ContainerElementContainerNameIncorrect 328

The container name of a container element must be the full name of the container entity container.

DeclaringTypeMustBeCorrect 245

If a structured type declares a property, that properties declaring type must be the declaring structured type.

DeclaringTypeOfNavigationSourceCannotHavePathProperty 386

The declaring type of navigation source cannot have path type property.

DependentPropertiesMustBelongToDependentEntity 244

Dependent properties of a referential constraint must belong to the dependent entity set.

DuplicateActions 367

Model has multiple functions that are the same definitions.

DuplicateAlias 321

Is it invalid to have duplicate alias in a single schema model.

DuplicateAnnotation 319

Target has multiple annotations with the same term and same qualifier.

DuplicateDependentProperty 267

A referential constraint cannot have multiple dependent properties with the same name.

DuplicateDirectValueAnnotationFullName 354

A direct annotation with the same name and namespace already exists.

DuplicateEntityContainerMemberName 218

The entity container name has already been assigned to a different entity container.

DuplicateEntityContainerName 327

Model has multiple entity containers with the same name.

DuplicateFunctions 366

Model has multiple functions that are the same definitions.

DuplicateNavigationPropertyMapping 345

There can only be a single mapping from a given EntitySet with a particular navigation property.

DuplicatePropertySpecifiedInEntityKey 154

Entity key refers to the same property twice

EmptyFile 12

An empty file was provided to the parser

EndWithManyMultiplicityCannotHaveOperationsSpecified 132

End with * multiplicity cannot have operations specified

EntityComposableBoundEscapeFunctionMustBeLessOne 389

The composable escape bound function should not declare more than one.

EntityContainerElementMustNotHaveKindOfNone 339

An entity container element without other errors must not have kind of none.

EntityKeyMustBeScalar 128

Properties that are part of entity key must be of scalar type

EntityKeyMustNotBeBinary 129

Binary type properties which are part of entity key are currently supported before V2.0

EntityMustHaveEntityBaseType 237

The base type of an entity must also be an entity.

EntityNoncomposableBoundEscapeFunctionMustBeLessOne 390

The non-composable escape bound function should not declare more than one.

EntitySetCanOnlyBeContainedByASingleNavigationProperty 341

There can only be a single navigation property mapping with containment that targets a particular entity set.

EntitySetCanOnlyHaveSingleNavigationPropertyWithContainment 343

An entity set can only have one navigation property with containment.

EntitySetRecursiveNavigationPropertyMappingsMustPointBackToSourceEntitySet 223

If a navigation property mapping is of a recursive navigation property, the mapping must point back to the same entity set.

EntitySetTypeMustBeCollectionOfEntityType 370

The type of entity set must be collection of entity type.

EntityTypeBaseTypeCannotBeEdmEntityType 382

The base type of an entity type cannot be Edm.EntityType.

EntityTypeOfEntitySetCannotBeEdmEntityType 385

Edm.EntityType cannot be used as the type of an entity set in an entity container.

EntityTypeOfSingletonCannotBeEdmEntityType 384

Edm.EntityType cannot be used as the type of a singleton in an entity container.

EnumMemberMustHaveValue 206

The enumeration member must have a value.

EnumMemberValueOutOfRange 292

The enum member value is out of range of its underlying type.

EnumMustHaveIntegerUnderlyingType 351

An Enum type must have an underlying type of integer.

ExpressionEnumKindNotValidForAssertedType 380

The enum type is not valid for the requested type.

ExpressionNotValidForTheAssertedType 314

The expression is not valid for the asserted type.

ExpressionPrimitiveKindNotValidForAssertedType 312

The primitive type is not valid for the requested type.

FunctionImportWithParameterShouldNotBeIncludedInServiceDocument 373

Function import must not have parameters if included in service document.

FunctionMustHaveReturnType 152

A function must have return type.

ImpossibleAnnotationsTarget 309

The annotation target path cannot possibly refer to an annotable element.

InconsistentNavigationPropertyPartner 342

The navigation properties partner does not point back to the correct type.

IncorrectNumberOfArguments 320

Function application has wrong number of arguments for the function being applied.

IntegerConstantValueOutOfRange 330

The value of the integer constant is out of range for the asserted type.

InterfaceCriticalCycleInTypeHierarchy 82

A chain of base types is cyclic.

InterfaceCriticalEnumerableMustNotHaveNullElements 79

An enumeration property must not contain null elements.

InterfaceCriticalEnumPropertyValueOutOfRange 80

The value of the enum type property is out of range.

InterfaceCriticalKindValueMismatch 77

An object with an interface kind property does not implement the interface corresponding to the value of that property. For example this error will be reported for an object that implements IEdmType interface with kind property reporting EdmTypeKind.Entity, but does not implement IEdmEntityType interface.

InterfaceCriticalKindValueUnexpected 78

The value of an interface kind property is not semantically valid. A semantically valid model must not contain elements of kind 'None'.

InterfaceCriticalNavigationPartnerInvalid 81

If property P1 is a navigation property and P2 is its partner, then partner property of P2 must be P1.

InterfaceCriticalPropertyValueMustNotBeNull 76

The value of the property must not be null.

InvalidAbstractComplexType 220

Complex types were not allowed to be abstract here.

InvalidAction 96

The value for the Action attribute is invalid or not allowed in the current context

InvalidAssociation 62

The provided association is invalid

InvalidAssociationSet 279

Invalid association set

InvalidBinary 283

Binary value is invalid.

InvalidBoolean 27

Malformed boolean value.

InvalidCastExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands 303

The Cast expression is invalid because it does not have 1 element.

InvalidCollectionValue 403

Invalid $Collection value.

InvalidDate 375

Date value is invalid.

InvalidDateTime 285

DateTime value is invalid.

InvalidDateTimeOffset 286

DateTimeOffset value is invalid.

InvalidDecimal 287

Decimal value is invalid.

InvalidDuration 349

Duration value is invalid.

InvalidElementAnnotation 299

ImmediateValueAnnotation is invalid as an element annotation.

InvalidEndEntitySet 100

The extent name used in the EntityContainerType End does not match the name of any of the EntityContainerProperties in the containing EntityContainer

InvalidEntitySetPath 357

Invalid entity set path.

InvalidEnumMemberPath 358

Invalid enum member path.

InvalidErrorCodeValue 0

Invalid error code

InvalidFloatingPoint 284

Floating point value is invalid.

InvalidGuid 288

Guid value is invalid.

InvalidIfExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands 290

The if expression is invalid because it does not have 3 elements.

InvalidInteger 278

Invalid value for integer

InvalidIsTypeExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands 293

The IsType expression is invalid because it does not have 1 element.

InvalidJson 404

Invalid JSON

InvalidKey 75

Entity key is invalid.

InvalidKeyValue 401

Invalid $Key value.

InvalidLabeledElementExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands 300

The LabeledElement expression is invalid because it does not have 1 element.

InvalidLong 277

Invalid value for long

InvalidMaxLength 276

Invalid value for max length

InvalidMultiplicity 92

Multiplicity value was malformed

InvalidMultiplicityOfDependentEnd 116

Invalid multiplicty of the dependent end of a navigation.

InvalidMultiplicityOfPrincipalEnd 113

Invalid multiplicty of the principal end of a navigation.

InvalidName 17

Invalid Name

InvalidNamespaceName 163

Invalid qualification specified for type

InvalidNavigationPropertyType 258

Navigation property has a type that is not an entity or collection of entities.

InvalidNumberType 406

Invalid number type

InvalidOnDelete 97

An error occured processing the OnDelete element

InvalidOperationImportParameterMode 333

None is not a valid mode for a operation import parameter.

InvalidParameterMode 280

Invalid parameter mode

InvalidPathFirstPathParameterNotMatchingFirstParameterName 271

Operation with an EntitySetPath must have the first path item be the same name as the binding parameter.

InvalidPathInvalidTypeCastSegment 250

Operation with an EntitySetPath segment has an invalid type cast segment.

InvalidPathTypeCastSegmentMustBeEntityType 251

Operation with an EntitySetPath segment has an invalid type cast segment, it must be an EntityType.

InvalidPathUnknownNavigationProperty 252

Operation with an EntitySetPath segment has an unknown navigation property.

InvalidPathUnknownTypeCastSegment 249

Operation with an EntitySetPath segment has an unknown type cast segment.

InvalidPathWithNonEntityBindingParameter 246

Operation with an EntitySetPath references a binding parameter that is not an entity type.

InvalidPolymorphicComplexType 221

Complex types cannot have base types in this version.

InvalidPrimitiveValue 350

The primitive type is invalid.

InvalidPropertyInRelationshipConstraint 111

Invalid Property in relationship constraint

InvalidPropertyType 44

The type of this property is invalid for the given context.

InvalidQualifiedName 295

The term name is not fully qualified.

InvalidRoleInRelationshipConstraint 110

Invalid role value in the relationship constraint

InvalidSrid 275

Invalid value for SRID

InvalidTimeOfDay 376

TimeOfDay value is invalid.

InvalidTypeKindNone 289

The type kind None is not semantically valid. A semantically valid model must not contain elements of type kind None.

InvalidTypeName 294

The type name is not fully qualified and not a primitive.

InvalidValue 282

Value is invalid

InvalidVersionNumber 25

The specified version number is not valid.

IsUnboundedCannotBeTrueWhileMaxLengthIsNotNull 298

IsUnbounded cannot be true if MaxLength is non-null.

KeyMissingOnEntityType 159

No Key defined on Entity Type

KeyPropertyMustBelongToEntity 242

Every property in an entity key must be a property of the entity.

KeyPropertyTypeCannotBeEdmPrimitiveType 259

Edm.PrimitiveType cannot be used as the type of a key property of an entity type.

MaxLengthOutOfRange 272

Max length is out of range.

MetadataDocumentCannotHaveMoreThanOneEntityContainer 365

Metadata document cannot have more than one entity container.

MismatchNumberOfPropertiesInRelationshipConstraint 114

The number of properties in the FromProperty and ToProperty in the relationship constraint must be identical

MissingAttribute 15

An XML element was missing a required attribute

MissingRequiredProperty 410

A property is required in an object

MissingType 18

An XML attribute or element representing EDM type is missing.

NameTooLong 60

Name is too long.

NavigationMappingMustBeBidirectional 344

If a navigation property is traversed from an entity set/singleton, and then it's partner is traversed from the target of the first mapping, the destination should be the originating entity set/singleton.

NavigationPropertyEntityMustNotIndirectlyContainItself 222

A navigation property without direct containment cannot contain its declaring entity indirectly.

NavigationPropertyMappingMustPointToValidTargetForProperty 109

The target entity set must be able to hold an entity that is valid for the navigation property of a mapping.

NavigationPropertyOfCollectionTypeMustNotTargetToSingleton 371

The binding on navigation property of collection type must not target to singleton.

NavigationPropertyTypeInvalidBecauseOfBadAssociation 236

Type of the navigation property was invalid because the association of the navigation property was invalid.

NavigationPropertyWithCollectionTypeCannotHaveNullableAttribute 364

The 'Nullable' attribute cannot be specified for a navigation property with collection type.

NavigationPropertyWithNonRecursiveContainmentSourceMustBeFromOne 307

If a navigation property has ContainsTarget = true and the target entity type is defferent than the declaring type of the property, then the multiplicity of the source of navigation is One.

NavigationPropertyWithRecursiveContainmentSourceMustBeFromZeroOrOne 306

If a navigation property has ContainsTarget = true and the target entity type is the same as the declaring type of the property, then the multiplicity of the source of navigation is Zero-Or-One.

NavigationPropertyWithRecursiveContainmentTargetMustBeOptional 305

A navigation property with ContainsTarget = true must point to an optional target.

NavigationSourceTypeHasNoKeys 133

Navigation source type has no keys

NoEntitySetsFoundForType 355

Cannot infer an entity set because no set exists of the given type.

NoReadersProvided 296

No model was parsed because no XmlReaders were provided.

NoSchemasProduced 326

Nothing was written because no schemas were produced.

NullableComplexTypeProperty 157

Nullable complex Type not supported in version 1.0 and 2.0.

NullCannotBeAssertedToBeANonNullableType 313

Null is not valid in a non nullable expression.

NullXmlReader 297

Model could not be parsed because one of the XmlReaders was null.

OpenTypeNotSupported 117

Open types are supported only in version 1.2 and after version 2.0. Only entity types can be open.

OperationCannotHaveEntitySetPathWithUnBoundOperation 269

Operation with an EntitySetPath must be on a bound operation.

OperationImportCannotImportBoundOperation 151

Operation import cannot import a bound function.

OperationImportEntitySetExpressionIsInvalid 103

Operation import specifies an entity set expression which is not supported in this context. Operation import entity set expression can be either an entity set reference or a path starting with a operation import parameter and traversing navigation properties.

OperationImportEntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet 149

Operation import specifies entity type that does not derive from element type of entity set.

OperationImportParameterIncorrectType 265

Unsupported operation import parameter type.

OperationImportReturnsEntitiesButDoesNotSpecifyEntitySet 148

Operation import specifies entity type return but no entity set.

OperationImportSpecifiesEntitySetButDoesNotReturnEntityType 150

Operation import specifies a binding to an entity set but does not return entities.

OperationImportUnsupportedReturnType 146

In version 1.0 operation import can have no return type or return a collection of scalars or a collection of entities. In all other versions operation import can have no return type or return a scalar, a complex type, an entity type or a collection of those.

OperationWithCollectionOfAbstractReturnTypeInvalid 257

Collection(Edm.PrimitiveType) and Collection(Edm.ComplexType) cannot be used as the return type of a function.

OperationWithEntitySetPathAndReturnTypeTypeNotAssignable 253

Operation with an EntitySetPath has a return type that is not assignable to the resulting determined type from the entity set path.

OperationWithEntitySetPathResolvesToCollectionEntityTypeMismatchesEntityTypeReturnType 254

Operation entity set path resolves to a collection entity type when an entity type is expected

OperationWithEntitySetPathResolvesToEntityTypeMismatchesCollectionEntityTypeReturnType 255

Operation entity set path resolves to an entity type when a collection of entity type is expected.

OperationWithEntitySetPathReturnTypeInvalid 256

Operation with an EntitySetPath has an invalid return type. The return type must be an entity type or collection of entity type.

OperationWithInvalidEntitySetPathMissingCompletePath 248

Operation with an EntitySetPath segment is invalid as it has less than two items in the path.

PathExpressionHasNoEntityContext 274

Binding context for Path expression does not supply an entity type

PathIsNotValidForTheGivenContext 362

Path cannot be resolved in the given context.

PrecisionOutOfRange 51

Precision out of range

PrimitiveConstantExpressionNotValidForNonPrimitiveType 329

A primitive constant expression is not valid for a non-primitive type.

PrimitiveTypeMustNotHaveKindOfNone 335

A primitive type without other errors must not have kind of none.

PropertyMustNotHaveKindOfNone 336

A property without other errors must not have kind of none.

PropertyTypeCannotBeCollectionOfAbstractType 337

A property type cannot be collection of Edm.Primitive or Edm.ComplexType.

QualifierMustBeSimpleName 359

An annotation qualifier must be a simple name.

RecordExpressionHasExtraProperties 318

The record expression's type is not open, but the record expression has extra properties.

RecordExpressionMissingRequiredProperty 317

The record expression does not have all of the properties required for the specified type.

RecordExpressionNotValidForNonStructuredType 316

A record expression is not valid for a non-structured type.

ReferencedTypeMustHaveValidName 322

A model cannot be serialized to CSDL if it has references to types without fully qualified names.

ReferenceElementMustContainAtLeastOneIncludeOrIncludeAnnotationsElement 372

Reference must contain at least one Include or IncludeAnnotations

ReferentialConstraintPrincipalEndMustBelongToAssociation 243

The principal end of a referential constraint must be one of the ends of the association that defined the referential constraint.

RequiredParametersMustPrecedeOptional 379

A required parameter followed an optional parameter.

SameRoleReferredInReferentialConstraint 119

Same role referred in the ToRole and FromRole of a referential constraint

ScaleOutOfRange 52

Scale out of range

SchemaCannotHaveMoreThanOneEntityContainer 402

Invalid mulitple entity container in one schema

SchemaElementMustNotHaveKindOfNone 338

A schema element without other errors must not have kind of none.

SimilarRelationshipEnd 153

Same Entity Set Taking part in the same role of the relationship set in two different relationship sets

SingleFileExpected 323

The model could not be serialized because multiple schemas were produced and only a single output stream was found.

SingletonTypeMustBeEntityType 369

The type of singleton must be entity type.

StringConstantLengthOutOfRange 331

The length of the string constant is too large for the asserted type.

SystemNamespaceEncountered 161

Need not specify system namespace in using

TextNotAllowed 11

Text was found in a location it was not allowed in

TypeAnnotationHasExtraProperties 348

Type annotation has a property binding for a non-existent property and its type is not open.

TypeAnnotationMissingRequiredProperty 347

Type annotation does not have a property binding for all required properties.

TypeDefinitionUnderlyingTypeCannotBeEdmPrimitiveType 381

The underlying type of a type definition type cannot be Edm.PrimitiveType.

TypeMismatchRelationshipConstraint 112

Type mismatch between ToProperty and FromProperty in the relationship constraint

TypeMustNotHaveKindOfNone 334

A type without other errors must not have kind of none.

TypeOfNavigationPropertyCannotHavePathProperty 387

The type of navigation property cannot have path type property.

TypeSemanticsCouldNotConvertTypeReference 230

Could not convert type reference to the requested type.

UnboundFunctionOverloadHasIncorrectReturnType 219

An unbound function overload has a different return type.

UnderlyingTypeIsBadBecauseEnumTypeIsBad 261

Underlying type of the enumeration type is bad because the enumeration type is bad.

UnexpectedElement 408

Encountered an element that was never used

UnexpectedValueKind 409

Excountered a JSON elemnt that was not expected.

UnexpectedXmlAttribute 9

Encountered an XML attribute that was never used

UnexpectedXmlElement 10

Encountered an XML element that was never used

UnexpectedXmlNodeType 8

Encountered an XML node that was never used

UnknownEdmVersion 325

The EdmVersion is not valid.

UnknownEdmxVersion 324

The Edmx version is not valid.

UnknownElementValueKind 405

Invalid Element value kind

UnresolvedNavigationPropertyBindingPath 378

Navigation property binding path cannot be resolved.

UnresolvedNavigationPropertyPartnerPath 377

Navigation property partner path cannot be resolved.

UnresolvedReferenceUriInEdmxReference 374

Unresolved Uri found in edmx:Reference, getReferencedModelReaderFunc should not return null when the URI is not a well-known schema.

UnsupportedElement 407

Encountered an element that is not supported

UrlEscapeFunctionMustBeBoundFunction 155

A UrlEscape function must have be bound function.

UrlEscapeFunctionMustHaveOnlyOneEdmStringParameter 156

A UrlEscape function must have and only one 'Edm.String' parameter.

XmlError 5

An exception was thrown by the underlying xml reader.

Applies to