_Document.SendFaxOverInternet(Object, Object, Object) Method


Sends a document to a fax service provider, who faxes the document to one or more specified recipients.

public void SendFaxOverInternet (ref object Recipients, ref object Subject, ref object ShowMessage);
abstract member SendFaxOverInternet : obj * obj * obj -> unit
Public Sub SendFaxOverInternet (Optional ByRef Recipients As Object, Optional ByRef Subject As Object, Optional ByRef ShowMessage As Object)



Optional Object. A String that represents the fax numbers and e-mail addresses of the people to whom to send the fax. Separate multiple recipients with a semicolon.


Optional Object. A String that represents the subject line for the faxed document.


Optional Object. True displays the fax message before sending it. False sends the fax without displaying the fax message.


Using the SendFaxOverInternet method requires that a fax service is enabled on a user's computer. If a fax service is not enabled, the SendFaxOverInternet method will cause a runtime error.

The format used for specifying fax numbers in the Recipients parameter is either recipientsfaxnumber@usersfaxprovider or recipientsname@recipientsfaxnumber. You can access the user's fax provider information using the following registry path:


Use the FaxAddress key value at this registry location to determine the format to use for a user. If this registry entry does not exist, no fax service is available.

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