WdCompatibility Enum


Specifies a compatibility option.

public enum WdCompatibility


Name Value Description
wdNoTabHangIndent 1

Don't add automatic tab stop for hanging indent.

wdNoSpaceRaiseLower 2

Don't add extra space for raised/lowered characters.

wdPrintColBlack 3

Print colors as black on noncolor printers.

wdWrapTrailSpaces 4

Wrap trailing spaces to next line.

wdNoColumnBalance 5

Don't balance columns for continuous section starts.

wdConvMailMergeEsc 6

Treat " as "" in mail merge data sources.

wdSuppressSpBfAfterPgBrk 7

Suppress Space Before after a hard page or column break.

wdSuppressTopSpacing 8

Suppress extra line spacing at top of page.

wdOrigWordTableRules 9

Combine table borders like Word 5.x for the Macintosh.

wdTransparentMetafiles 10

Don't blank the area behind metafile pictures.

wdShowBreaksInFrames 11

Show hard page or column breaks in frames.

wdSwapBordersFacingPages 12

Swap left and right borders on odd facing pages.

wdLeaveBackslashAlone 13

Convert backslash characters into yen signs.

wdExpandShiftReturn 14

Don't expand character spaces on the line ending Shift+Return.

wdDontULTrailSpace 15

Draw underline on trailing spaces.

wdDontBalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth 16

Balance SBCS characters and DBCS characters.

wdSuppressTopSpacingMac5 17

Suppress extra line spacing at top of page like Word 5.x for the Macintosh.

wdSpacingInWholePoints 18

Expand/condense by whole number of points.

wdPrintBodyTextBeforeHeader 19

Print body text before header/footer.

wdNoLeading 20

Don't add leading (extra space) between rows of text.

wdNoSpaceForUL 21

Add space for underline.

wdMWSmallCaps 22

Use larger small caps like Word 5.x for the Macintosh.

wdNoExtraLineSpacing 23

Suppress extra line spacing like WordPerfect 5.x.

wdTruncateFontHeight 24

Truncate font height.

wdSubFontBySize 25

Substitute fonts based on font size.

wdUsePrinterMetrics 26

Use printer metrics to lay out document.

wdWW6BorderRules 27

Use Word 6.x/95 border rules.

wdExactOnTop 28

Don't center "exact line height" lines.

wdSuppressBottomSpacing 29

Suppress extra line spacing at bottom of page.

wdWPSpaceWidth 30

Set the width of a space like WordPerfect 5.x.

wdWPJustification 31

Do full justification like WordPerfect 6.x for Windows.

wdLineWrapLikeWord6 32

Line wrap like Word 6.0.

wdShapeLayoutLikeWW8 33

Lay out autoshapes like Word 97.

wdFootnoteLayoutLikeWW8 34

Lay out footnotes like Word 6.x/95/97.

wdDontUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing 35

Don't use HTML paragraph auto spacing.

wdDontAdjustLineHeightInTable 36

Adjust line height to grid height in the table.

wdForgetLastTabAlignment 37

Forget last tab alignment.

wdAutospaceLikeWW7 38

Autospace like Word 95.

wdAlignTablesRowByRow 39

Align table rows independently.

wdLayoutRawTableWidth 40

Lay out tables with raw width.

wdLayoutTableRowsApart 41

Allow table rows to lay out apart.

wdUseWord97LineBreakingRules 42

Use Word 97 line breaking rules for Asian text.

wdDontBreakWrappedTables 43

Don't break wrapped tables across pages.

wdDontSnapTextToGridInTableWithObjects 44

Don't snap text to grid inside table with inline objects.

wdSelectFieldWithFirstOrLastCharacter 45

Select entire field with first or last character.

wdApplyBreakingRules 46

Use line-breaking rules.

wdDontWrapTextWithPunctuation 47

Don't allow hanging punctuation with character grid.

wdDontUseAsianBreakRulesInGrid 48

Don't use Asian rules for line breaks with character grid.

wdUseWord2002TableStyleRules 49

Use Word 2002 table style rules.

wdGrowAutofit 50

Allow tables to extend into margins.

wdUseNormalStyleForList 51

Use the Normal style instead of the List Paragraph style for bulleted or numbered lists.

wdDontUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop 52

Do not use hanging indent as tab stop for bullets and numbering.

wdFELineBreak11 53

Use Word 2003 hanging-punctuation rules in Asian langauges.

wdAllowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable 54

Allow space between paragraphs of the same style in a table.

wdWW11IndentRules 55

Use Word 2003 indent rules for text next to wrapped objects.

wdDontAutofitConstrainedTables 56

Do not autofit tables next to wrapped objects.

wdAutofitLikeWW11 57

Use Microsoft Office Word 2003 table autofit rules.

wdUnderlineTabInNumList 58

Underline the tab character between the number and the text in numbered lists.

wdHangulWidthLikeWW11 59

Do not use proportional width for Korean characters.

wdSplitPgBreakAndParaMark 60

Split apart page break and paragraph mark.

wdDontVertAlignCellWithShape 61

Reserved for internal use.

wdDontBreakConstrainedForcedTables 62

Reserved for internal use.

wdDontVertAlignInTextbox 63

Reserved for internal use.

wdWord11KerningPairs 64

Reserved for internal use.

wdCachedColBalance 65

Reserved for internal use.

wdDisableOTKerning 66

Reserved for internal use.

wdFlipMirrorIndents 67

Reserved for internal use.

wdDontOverrideTableStyleFontSzAndJustification 68

Reserved for internal use.

wdUseWord2010TableStyleRules 69

Use Word 2010 table style rules.


Compatibility options affect how a document is displayed in Microsoft Word. The wdCompatibility enumeration is used with the Compatibility[WdCompatibility] property of the Document object. In the user interface, you can see and change compatibility settings in the Compatibility tab of the Options dialog box. Descriptions listed here correspond to the label text shown in the Options dialog box.

Applies to

Product Versions
Word primary interop assembly Latest