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DscClassCache Class


public ref class DscClassCache abstract sealed
public ref class DscClassCache abstract sealed
class DscClassCache abstract sealed
public static class DscClassCache
type DscClassCache = class
Public Class DscClassCache



Clear out the existing collection of CIM classes and associated keywords.

ClearImplicitlyImportedFlagFromResourceInClassCache(PSModuleInfo, CimClass)

Clear the 'IsImportedImplicitly' flag when explicitly importing a resource


Returns an error record to use in the case of more than one values are provided for DebugMode property.


Refresh Mode can not be Disabled for the Partial Configurations.

DuplicateResourceIdInNodeStatementErrorRecord(String, String)

Returns an error record to use in the case of a malformed resource reference in the DependsOn list.

GetBadlyFormedExclusiveResourceIdErrorRecord(String, String)

Returns an error record to use in the case of a malformed resource reference in the exclusive resources list.

GetBadlyFormedRequiredResourceIdErrorRecord(String, String)

Returns an error record to use in the case of a malformed resource reference in the DependsOn list.


Returns the classes that we loaded from the specified file name.


Returns the classes associated with the specified module name. Per PowerShell the module name is the base name of the schema file.


Find cached cim classes defined under specified module.


Method to get the cached classes in the form of DynamicKeyword.


Routine to format a usage string from keyword. The resulting string should look like: User [string] #ResourceName { UserName = [string] [ Description = [string] ] [ Disabled = [bool] ] [ Ensure = [string] { Absent | Present } ] [ Force = [bool] ] [ FullName = [string] ] [ Password = [PSCredential] ] [ PasswordChangeNotAllowed = [bool] ] [ PasswordChangeRequired = [bool] ] [ PasswordNeverExpires = [bool] ] [ DependsOn = [string[]] ] }


Get the file that defined this class.


Get a list of files from which classes have been loaded.


If a partial configuration is in 'Pull' Mode, it needs a configuration source.

GetResourceMethodsLinePosition(PSModuleInfo, String, Dictionary<String,Int32>, String)

Gets the line no for DSC Class Resource Get/Set/Test methods.


Get text from SecureString.

ImportCimKeywordsFromModule(PSModuleInfo, String, String)

Import the CIM functions from a module...

ImportCimKeywordsFromModule(PSModuleInfo, String, String, Dictionary<String,ScriptBlock>)

Import the CIM functions from a module...

ImportCimKeywordsFromModule(PSModuleInfo, String, String, Dictionary<String,ScriptBlock>, Collection<Exception>)

Import the CIM functions from a module...

ImportClasses(String, Tuple<String,Version>, Collection<Exception>)

Import CIM classes from the given file

ImportClasses(String, Tuple<String,Version>, Collection<Exception>, Boolean)

Import CIM classes from the given file.

ImportClassResourcesFromModule(PSModuleInfo, ICollection<String>, Dictionary<String,ScriptBlock>)

Routine used to load a set of CIM instances from a .mof file using the current set of cached classes for schema validation.

ImportInstances(String, Int32)

Routine used to load a set of CIM instances from a .mof file using the current set of cached classes for schema validation.

ImportScriptKeywordsFromModule(PSModuleInfo, String, String)

Imports configuration keywords from a .psm1 file.

ImportScriptKeywordsFromModule(PSModuleInfo, String, String, Dictionary<String,ScriptBlock>)

Imports configuration keywords from a .psm1 file.


Initialize the class cache with the default classes in $ENV:SystemDirectory\Configuration.

Initialize(Collection<Exception>, List<String>)

Initialize the class cache with the default classes in $ENV:SystemDirectory\Configuration.


Returns an error record to use in the case of a configuration name is invalid.

InvalidLocalConfigurationManagerPropertyErrorRecord(String, String)

Returns an error record to use in case the given property is not valid LocalConfigurationManager property.

InvalidValueForPropertyErrorRecord(String, String, String, String)

Returns an error record to use in the case of the given value for a property is invalid.


Load the default system CIM classes and create the corresponding keywords.


Load the default system CIM classes and create the corresponding keywords.

LoadDefaultCimKeywords(Collection<Exception>, Boolean)

Load the default system CIM classes and create the corresponding keywords.


Load the default system CIM classes and create the corresponding keywords.


Load the default system CIM classes and create the corresponding keywords.

LoadResourcesFromModule(IScriptExtent, ModuleSpecification[], String[], List<ParseError>)

Load DSC resources from specified module.

MissingValueForMandatoryPropertyErrorRecord(String, String, String)

Returns an error record to use in the case of no value is provided for a mandatory property.


Returns an error record to use when composite resource and its resource instances both has PsDscRunAsCredentials value.


Reads CIM MOF schema file and returns classes defined in it. This is used MOF->PSClass conversion tool.

UnsupportedValueForPropertyErrorRecord(String, String, String, String)

Returns an error record to use in the case of the given value for a property is not supported.


A routine that validates a string containing MOF instances against the current set of cached classes.

ValueNotInRangeErrorRecord(String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32)

Return an error to indicate a value is out of range for a dynamic keyword property.

Applies to