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PersistentChatErrorCode Enum


Enumerates the persistent chat error codes.

public enum class PersistentChatErrorCode
public enum PersistentChatErrorCode
type PersistentChatErrorCode = 
Public Enum PersistentChatErrorCode


CannotGetParticipantList 4

You cannot request the participant list of the chat room.

CommandFailed 20

Command failed - see inner exception for details.

DatabaseConnection 0

There was a problem with the server connection to the database.

DataCollision 1

The object being modified has been changed. Refresh your copy of the object before attempting to modify it.

DuplicateAddinName 24
DuplicateRoomName 2

A chat room with that name already exists.

ErrorPermission 9

The signed in user is not authorized to perform the action on the room.

FileDownloadFailed 15

Failed to download file.

FileUploadFailed 16

Failed to upload file.

InvalidArgument 3

One or more provided arguments to the command are invalid.

InvalidFlowOfOperations 17

Connection flow interrupted. The endpoint is in an invalid state for the attempted operation.

InvalidToken 18

Chat server returned an invalid file transfer security token.

LimitExceeded 5

You have exceeded an internal server limit.

MsgNotSupported 6

The command is not supported by the server

NodeDisabled 7

The chat room is disabled.

NodeHierarchyViolation 8

Cannot create rooms under the root category.

NoSuchNode 10

The room does not exist.

NoSuchPrincipal 11

One or more principals are invalid.

PresenterNotInMemList 23
PrincipalsAlreadyDefined 21
PrincipalsNotInScope 22
ServerError 19

The chat server reported an error. Refer to the exception message for the error code.

UnableToCreateRoom 12

The signed in user cannot create the chat room.

UnknownServerError 13

An unknown error occurred on the server.

UserNotJoined 14

The signed in user is not currently joined to the room.

Applies to