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PinFailureReason Enum


Represents various reasons associate with a pin operation failure.

public enum class PinFailureReason
public enum PinFailureReason
type PinFailureReason = 
Public Enum PinFailureReason


IncorrectPin 15

Incorrect pin was used.

NonUniqueUser 20

Multiple users are linked with the same uri and pin.

PinDoesNotMeetMinimumRequirements 30

Pin supplied does not meeting minimum requirements.

PinExpired 25

Pin has expired.

PinNotEnabledForUser 35

Pin has not been enabled for the user.

PinNotSet 40

The user has not set a pin.

PinNotUnique 45

The entered pin is not unique.

Unauthorized 50

Unauthorized to perform this request.

Unknown 0

The operation failed for an unknown reason.

UserDoesNotExist 55

The user does not exist.

UserPinAccountDisabled 5

User account is disabled.

UserPinAccountLocked 10

User account is locked.

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