Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.KeyVault Namespace



Authentication info for client ID and Secret, which is commonly supported in command line scenarios. This can be obtained by using the Azure SDK to log into Azure and obtain this information.


Provides a service for discovering and configuring a KeyVaultAuthenticator to handle key vault access requests. These requests will occur during deployment if an encrypted table is being altered. It also supports initialization of general key vault support in an application


Base class for any Azure Key Vault authentication provider. This is responsible for logging into Azure, obtaining access keys and returning to the caller. Notes: Only one provider is allowed per process, with the first to register being the successful provider. In order to support DacServices and related APIs being used in multiple UI tools and the SqlPackage command line the binding to Azure Authentication DLLs is loosely coupled to the core Dac Framework using MEF. A default provider is available for use in SqlPackage and other command line scenarios, supporting basic credential based authentication. This can be overridden in order to integrate with custom authentication pipelines or into your UI application by extending this method and providing an ExportableAttribute with typeof(KeyVaultAuthenticator), a unique ID and high priority


Data class to define authentication info that can be passed to a KeyVaultAuthenticator when configuring


Result returned from a key vault validator. Indicates success or failure, and any relevant error messages