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AnimationBuilder Class


public sealed class AnimationBuilder
type AnimationBuilder = class
Public NotInheritable Class AnimationBuilder



Adds a new anchor point animation for the X and Y axes to the current schedule.


Adds a new anchor point animation for a single axis to the current schedule.

AnchorPoint(Axis, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new anchor point animation for a single axis to the current schedule.

AnchorPoint(Vector2, Nullable<Vector2>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new anchor point animation for the X and Y axes to the current schedule.


Adds a new center point animation for all axes to the current schedule.

CenterPoint(Axis, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new center point animation on a specified axis to the current schedule.

CenterPoint(Axis, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new center point animation on a specified axis to the current schedule.

CenterPoint(Vector2, Nullable<Vector2>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new center point animation for the X and Y axes to the current schedule.

CenterPoint(Vector3, Nullable<Vector3>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new center point animation for all axes to the current schedule.


Adds a new clip animation to the current schedule.

Clip(Side, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new clip animation to the current schedule.

Clip(Thickness, Nullable<Thickness>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new clip animation to the current schedule.


Creates a new AnimationBuilder instance to setup an animation schedule. This can be used as the entry point to construct a custom animation sequence.

For instance:
AnimationBuilder.Create()<br />
    .Opacity(from: 0, to: 1)<br />
    .Translation(Axis.X, from: -40, to: 0)<br />

Configured AnimationBuilder instances are also reusable, meaning that the same one can be used to start an animation sequence on multiple elements as well.

For instance:
var animation = AnimationBuilder.Create().Opacity(0, 1).Size(1.2, 1);<br /><br />
animation.Start(MyButton);<br />

Alternatively, the AnimationSet type can be used to configure animations directly from XAML. The same AnimationBuilder APIs will still be used behind the scenes to handle animations.


Adds a new external animation to the current schedule, which will be executed on the same target object the current AnimationBuilder instance will be invoked upon.

ExternalAnimation(CompositionObject, CompositionAnimation)

Adds a new external animation to the current schedule, which will be executed on a given Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionObject when the current AnimationBuilder instance is invoked.


Adds a new external animation to the current schedule, which will be executed on the same target object the current AnimationBuilder instance will be invoked upon.

NormalizedKeyFrames<T,TState>(String, TState, Action<INormalizedKeyFrameAnimationBuilder<T>, TState>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, Nullable<AnimationDelayBehavior>, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a custom animation based on normalized keyframes to the current schedule.

NormalizedKeyFrames<T>(String, Action<INormalizedKeyFrameAnimationBuilder<T>>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, Nullable<AnimationDelayBehavior>, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a custom animation based on normalized keyframes to the current schedule.


Adds a new composition offset translation animation for all axes to the current schedule.


Adds a new composition offset animation for a single axis to the current schedule.

Offset(Axis, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new composition offset animation for a single axis to the current schedule.

Offset(Vector2, Nullable<Vector2>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new composition offset animation for the X and Y axes to the current schedule.

Offset(Vector3, Nullable<Vector3>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new composition offset translation animation for all axes to the current schedule.

Opacity(Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new opacity animation to the current schedule.


Adds a new opacity animation to the current schedule.


Adds a new orientation animation to the current schedule.

Orientation(Quaternion, Nullable<Quaternion>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new orientation animation to the current schedule.


Adds a new rotation animation to the current schedule.

Rotation(Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new rotation animation to the current schedule.


Adds a new rotation axis animation to the current schedule.

RotationAxis(Vector3, Nullable<Vector3>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new rotation axis animation to the current schedule.

RotationInDegrees(Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new rotation animation in degrees to the current schedule.


Adds a new rotation animation in degrees to the current schedule.


Adds a new scale animation for all axes to the current schedule.

Scale(Axis, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new scale animation on a specified axis to the current schedule.

Scale(Axis, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new scale animation on a specified axis to the current schedule.

Scale(Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new uniform scale animation for all axes to the current schedule.

Scale(Vector2, Nullable<Vector2>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new scale animation for the X and Y axes to the current schedule.

Scale(Vector3, Nullable<Vector3>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new scale animation for all axes to the current schedule.


Adds a new composition size translation animation for all axes to the current schedule.

Size(Axis, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new size animation for a single axis to the current schedule.

Size(Axis, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new size animation for a single axis to the current schedule.

Size(Vector2, Nullable<Vector2>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new size animation for the X and Y axes to the current schedule.


Starts the animations present in the current AnimationBuilder instance.

Start(UIElement, Action)

Starts the animations present in the current AnimationBuilder instance.

Start(UIElement, CancellationToken)

Starts the animations present in the current AnimationBuilder instance, and registers a given cancellation token to stop running animations before they complete.


Starts the animations present in the current AnimationBuilder instance.

StartAsync(UIElement, CancellationToken)

Starts the animations present in the current AnimationBuilder instance, and registers a given cancellation token to stop running animations before they complete.

TimedKeyFrames<T,TState>(String, TState, Action<ITimedKeyFrameAnimationBuilder<T>, TState>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, Nullable<AnimationDelayBehavior>, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a custom animation based on timed keyframes to the current schedule.

TimedKeyFrames<T>(String, Action<ITimedKeyFrameAnimationBuilder<T>>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, Nullable<AnimationDelayBehavior>, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a custom animation based on timed keyframes to the current schedule.

Transform(Matrix4x4, Nullable<Matrix4x4>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new transform animation to the current schedule.


Adds a new composition translation animation for all axes to the current schedule.

Translation(Axis, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new translation animation for a single axis to the current schedule.

Translation(Axis, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new translation animation for a single axis to the current schedule.

Translation(Vector2, Nullable<Vector2>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode, FrameworkLayer)

Adds a new translation animation for the X and Y axes to the current schedule.

Translation(Vector3, Nullable<Vector3>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<TimeSpan>, Nullable<RepeatOption>, EasingType, EasingMode)

Adds a new composition translation animation for all axes to the current schedule.

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