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IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorGpuExtension Interface


Extension interface for GPU debugging, implemented on the target computer to handle evaluating breakpoint conditions.

Implementations of this interface may restrict when they are called using a filter defined in their component configuration. The following properties may be used: BaseDebugMonitorId, EngineId, RuntimeId, SourceId.

public interface class IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorGpuExtension
public interface class IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorGpuExtension
__interface IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorGpuExtension
public interface IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorGpuExtension
type IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorGpuExtension = interface
Public Interface IDkmBreakpointConditionProcessorGpuExtension


RequestBreakpointEventOnModifiedThread(DkmRuntimeBreakpoint, DkmThread)

The breakpoint condition processor decides not to break on the given thread but another thread of the same warp, so the breakpoint condition processor instructs the base debug monitor to re-send the breakpoint event on the other thread.


Clear any condition associated with the specified DkmRuntimeInstructionBreakpoint.

TryPushConditionToTargetDevice(DkmRuntimeInstructionBreakpoint, DkmCompiledInspectionQuery, DkmBreakpointConditionOperator)

This tries to push the associated condition on the specified runtime instruction breakpoint to the target. This is useful for GPU debugging since testing the condition on the target (GPU hardware or VSD3D ref) is much more efficient than doing it in the debugger. Once this method succeeds, breakpoint event will only be received by the debugger when the condition tests to be true on the debuggee; if it fails, the debugger can still test the condition.

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