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IDkmClrFullNameProvider Interface


Provides full names for certain expressions. Full names are used for the Add to Watch feature.

Implementations of this interface may restrict when they are called using a filter defined in their component configuration. The following properties may be used: BaseDebugMonitorId, CompilerVendorId, EngineId, LanguageId, RuntimeId.

This API was introduced in Visual Studio 15 RTM (DkmApiVersion.VS15RTM).

public interface class IDkmClrFullNameProvider
public interface class IDkmClrFullNameProvider
__interface IDkmClrFullNameProvider
public interface IDkmClrFullNameProvider
type IDkmClrFullNameProvider = interface
Public Interface IDkmClrFullNameProvider


ClrExpressionMayRequireParentheses(DkmInspectionContext, String)

Returns true if the expression may require parentheses when used as a sub-expression in the language.

GetClrArrayIndexExpression(DkmInspectionContext, String[])

Get an array index expression.

GetClrCastExpression(DkmInspectionContext, String, DkmClrType, DkmClrCustomTypeInfo, DkmClrCastExpressionOptions)

Get a cast expression, if valid syntax.

GetClrExpressionAndFormatSpecifiers(DkmInspectionContext, String, ReadOnlyCollection<String>)

Splits the string into the expression and format specifier parts.


Get the language specific expression for null (keyword).


Get the language specific expression for this/Me.

GetClrMemberName(DkmInspectionContext, String, DkmClrType, DkmClrCustomTypeInfo, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Get a member access expression, if it can be represented as valid syntax.

GetClrObjectCreationExpression(DkmInspectionContext, DkmClrType, DkmClrCustomTypeInfo, String[])

Get an object creation expression, if valid syntax.

GetClrTypeName(DkmInspectionContext, DkmClrType, DkmClrCustomTypeInfo)

Get the type name in a form valid in the language, if valid syntax. This method is for constructing valid full names with the ability to escape/return null if there is not a valid syntax.

GetClrValidIdentifier(DkmInspectionContext, String)

Get the identifier in a form valid in the language.

Applies to