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DkmRunningProcessInfoPropertyMask Enum


Flags indicating which properties of DkmRunningProcessInfo should be computed.

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class DkmRunningProcessInfoPropertyMask
public enum class DkmRunningProcessInfoPropertyMask
enum DkmRunningProcessInfoPropertyMask
public enum DkmRunningProcessInfoPropertyMask
type DkmRunningProcessInfoPropertyMask = 
Public Enum DkmRunningProcessInfoPropertyMask


AppPackageId 16384

'AppPackageId' field should be computed.

AppPool 131072

'AppPool' field should be computed. Supported only with the EnumRunningProcesses API.

BasicInfoFlags 1024

'DkmRunningProcessFlags.Wow64' and 'DkmRunningProcessFlags.DebuggerAttached' should be computed.

ClrVersions 32

Compute the 'ClrVersions' field and 'DkmRunningProcessFlags.ClrNativeCompilationRuntimeLoaded'.

CommandLine 64

'CommandLine' field should be computed.

CoreClrPublishedProgram 32768

Indicates if Core CLR DkmPublishedProgramInfo should be computed.

CurrentDirectory 128

'CurrentDirectory' field should be computed.

Empty 0

No information should be computed.

EnvironmentBlock 256

'EnvironmentBlock' field should be computed.

FilterFlags 4096

'DkmRunningProcessFlags.HideFromDefaultProcessList' should be computed.

IntegrityLevel 512

'IntegrityLevel' field should be computed.

Name 4

'Name' field should be computed.

ParentId 65536

'ParentId' field should be computed. Supported only with the EnumRunningProcesses API.

PublishedPrograms 8192

PublishedPrograms field should be computed.

SessionId 2

'SessionId' field should be computed.

StartTime 1

'StartTime' field should be computed.

Title 8

'Title' field should be computed.

UserIdentityFlags 2048

'DkmRunningProcessFlags.OtherUser' and 'DkmRunningProcessFlags.SecurityWarningOnAttach' should be computed.

UserName 16

'UserName' field should be computed.

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