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DkmLogLevel Enum


Specifies the verbosity of a logging messages added to the diagnostics log (DkmDiagnosticsLog). To allow trivially checking if a given log level is enabled, this is declared as a flag enum, but with very few exceptions if any, messages should set a single flag.

This API was introduced in Visual Studio 17 Update 8 (DkmApiVersion.VS17Update8).

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum DkmLogLevel
type DkmLogLevel = 
Public Enum DkmLogLevel


DebugEngineAPIMethod 8

Verbose logging of calls to all debug engine (vsdebugeng.dll) APIs.

DebugEngineAPIMethodFailure 16

Verbose logging of all error returns from debug engine (vsdebugeng.dll) APIs.

DebugRuntimeEvent 32

Verbose logging of all events from underlying debug API (Win32, ICorDebug, etc).

ExpressionEvaluation 64

Verbose logging of expression evaluation operations.

HotReload 256

Verbose logging of Hot Reload operations.

Important 2

Log item is important and inexpensive to produce. This is for items that should automatically be enabled when Visual Studio feedback tickets are collected. Example: entry points for start debugging.

ImportantError 1

Log item is for an error that very unlikely to be ignorable. This is used for logging items that should always be enabled. Example: important errors.

Invalid 0

Reserved invalid value used to indicate that logging is disabled.

Normal 4

Log item is generally useful, and should always be enabled for dev-level logs.

StartDebugging 128

Verbose logging of start debugging operations.

Applies to