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DkmEvaluationResultAccessType Enum


Specifies the access control level (public, private, etc) of the represented field/method/property. This is principally used by the debugger UI to select icons in the watch and other expression evaluation windows.

public enum class DkmEvaluationResultAccessType
public enum class DkmEvaluationResultAccessType
enum DkmEvaluationResultAccessType
public enum DkmEvaluationResultAccessType
type DkmEvaluationResultAccessType = 
Public Enum DkmEvaluationResultAccessType


Final 4

Indicates that the result of the expression is a final field.

Internal 5

Indicates that the result of the expression is an internal field.

None 0

Not applicable (the result of the expression is not a field of a class).

Private 2

Indicates that the result of the expression is a private field.

Protected 3

Indicates that the result of the expression is a protected field.

Public 1

Indicates that the result of the expression is a public field.

Applies to