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DkmStepArbitrationReason Enum


DkmStepArbitrationReason the reason step arbitration is occurring.

public enum class DkmStepArbitrationReason
public enum class DkmStepArbitrationReason
enum DkmStepArbitrationReason
public enum DkmStepArbitrationReason
type DkmStepArbitrationReason = 
Public Enum DkmStepArbitrationReason


AsyncStep 10

A runtime instance that understands the async pattern has taken control of the step. The step will complete asynchronously on another thread. Steppers should clear all step state to allow for that.

EnterRuntime 5

Another runtime instance has detected that the instruction pointer has hit an entry point into its runtime. This is only used after a call to StepControlRequested that return true.

ExceptionHandlerFound 7

An exception unwind was in flight and a handler was found. If a runtime's exception model can be used by other runtimes, stepping arbitration should be performed. For instance, CLR exceptions use native SEH exceptions. So, during a managed step, if an exception is thrown and a handler is found, native will receive its handler found notification. However, native should not take control of that step. Managed should listen for stepping arbitration with ExceptionHandlerFound as its reason and finish stepping to the managed catch block.

ExitRuntime 4

The current runtime instance has just finished stepping through a known exit from its runtime. The instruction pointer should be on the first instruction of the next runtime's entry point.

ExitThread 11

The thread on which the step originated exited before it completed.

InstructionLevelOverride 8

Used by the stepping manager to override a line or statement step with an instruction level step. This is only passed to the native runtime instance if no controlling runtime instance was found during initial stepping arbitration.

NewStep 0

The stepping manager is looking for a runtime to start a new step.

NoSource 6

The instruction pointer has landed at a location in a known module but with no source info.

NoSymbols 2

The instruction pointer has landed in a location in a known DkmModuleInstance with no symbols.

TransitionModule 3

The instruction pointer has landed in a location within a DkmModuleInstance marked as a transition module.

Unknown 9

A runtime instance asked for stepping arbitration for an unknown reason.

UnknownModule 1

The instruction pointer has landed in a location not in a known DkmModuleInstance.

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