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DkmHashAlgorithmId Enum


Identifier of a hash algorithm used to calculate a hash.

This API was introduced in Visual Studio 15 RTM (DkmApiVersion.VS15RTM).

public enum class DkmHashAlgorithmId
public enum class DkmHashAlgorithmId
enum DkmHashAlgorithmId
public enum DkmHashAlgorithmId
type DkmHashAlgorithmId = 
Public Enum DkmHashAlgorithmId


Expensive 4

Represents a hash whose value is expensive to compute. The value of the hash will be an empty collection when retrieved from a DkmSourceFileId. This value is only supported in a DkmSourceFileId returned from a symbol provider rather than one that is an input to a symbol provider. The actual hash value can be computed and returned via DkmModule.GetExpensiveHashValue.

MD5 0

MD5 Hash Algorithm. MD5 Hash Values are 16 bytes long.

SHA1 1

SHA1 Hash Algorithm. SHA1 Hash Values are 20 bytes long.

SHA256 2

SHA256 Hash Algorithm, implemented by SHA-2 (256-bit internal state). SHA256 Hash Values are 32 bytes long.

SHA512 3

SHA512 Hash Algorithm, implemented by SHA-2 (512-bit internal state). SHA512 Hash Values are 64 bytes long.

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