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DkmModuleSymbolFlags Enum


Flags which indicate traits of a DkmModule object.

This API was introduced in Visual Studio 17 Update 2 (DkmApiVersion.VS17Update2).

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum DkmModuleSymbolFlags
type DkmModuleSymbolFlags = 
Public Enum DkmModuleSymbolFlags


Decompiled 1

Symbols were generated by decompiling the module instance.

DeferredLoad 2

Symbols were loaded automatically when needed, such as native symbols loaded for x86 stack walk.

None 0

No module flags are set.

PartiallyDecompiled 8

Symbols were generated by decompiling individual types within the module instance.

Reloadable 4

Symbols have the opportunity to be reloaded for a higher fidelity version of the symbols, i.e. the current symbols are from decompilation or are stripped symbols.

Stripped 16

Symbols were generated without source information.

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