
Identifies property settings for a solution.

public enum class __VSPROPID5


Name Value Description

Specifies first VSPROPID_.

VSPROPID_IsOpeningProjectUserInitiated -8042

Indicates that a project load/reload is in flight when receiving the solution load event OnAfterOpenProject. This property can be used to distinguish between a user loaded project (e.g. User reloaded or Add existing/new project) as opposed to a project that is being loaded in the background via the Asynchronous Solution Load feature. Using the fAdded flag from OnAfterOpenProject does not distinguish these two conditions. fAdded indicates only whether or not a project was loaded before or after the OnAfterOpenSolution event.

VSPROPID_SolutionViewModel -8041

The IUnknown of IVsUIDataSource that contains the view model for some solution properties. This property is primarily used by solution navigator.

VSPROPID_ProjectFaultResolutionContext -8040

The IUnknown of IVsPropertyBag that represents the current project fault resolution context. This property is read only (but the returned property bag is mutable). This property is only non-null if the user has just performed a gesture that requires a batch of faulted projects to be resolved. In this case, before invoking ResolveFault(Boolean) for the first time, a new empty property bag is created and assigned to this property, and the property remains that way for all calls to ResolveFault that logically belong to that gesture. After the last call to ResolveFault, the property is set back to null. Therefore, arbitrary data can be preserved and passed between ResolveFault calls in a single gesture. Typically, this is used when fault resolution requires some modal UI prompt, and that provides a "Don't ask me for the remaining projects" flag. This flag can be stored in the property bag along with user's input, and queried on further calls to ResolveFault to suppress the UI and apply the same choice to all projects. See IVsProjectFaultResolver for more information.

VSPROPID_FaultedProjectCount -8039

The number of faulted projects in the solution.

VSPROPID_UserOptsFileExt -8038

The solution options file extension (default - ".suo").

VSPROPID_SolutionFileExt -8037

The solution file extension (default - ".sln").

Applies to

Product Versions
Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022