IAttributeToFactoryMapper<TMetadata> Interface


Responsible for mapping a facet metadata to a cachable factory.

public interface IAttributeToFactoryMapper<in TMetadata> where TMetadata : IFacetMetadata
type IAttributeToFactoryMapper<'Metadata (requires 'Metadata :> IFacetMetadata)> = interface
Public Interface IAttributeToFactoryMapper(Of In TMetadata)

Type Parameters

This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.


GetFactory(ParameterInfo, TMetadata)

Responsible for mapping a facet metadata to a cachable factory from the parameter and facet metadata.

Applies to