IStreamProvider Interface


Functionality for providing streams to consumers and producers.

public interface IStreamProvider
type IStreamProvider = interface
Public Interface IStreamProvider



Gets a value indicating whether this is a rewindable provider - supports creating rewindable streams (streams that allow subscribing from previous point in time).


Gets the name of the stream provider.


GetStream<T>(Guid, String)

Gets the stream with the specified identity.

Extension Methods

TryGetStreamSubscriptionManager(IStreamProvider, IStreamSubscriptionManager)

Returns the IStreamSubscriptionManager for the provided stream provider.

TryGetStreamSubscrptionManager(IStreamProvider, IStreamSubscriptionManager)
GetStream<T>(IStreamProvider, Guid)

Gets the stream with the specified identity and namespace.

GetStream<T>(IStreamProvider, Int64)

Gets the stream with the specified identity and namespace.

GetStream<T>(IStreamProvider, String)

Gets the stream with the specified identity and namespace.

GetStream<T>(IStreamProvider, String, Guid)

Gets the stream with the specified identity and namespace.

GetStream<T>(IStreamProvider, String, Int64)

Gets the stream with the specified identity and namespace.

GetStream<T>(IStreamProvider, String, String)

Gets the stream with the specified identity and namespace.

Applies to