CanFocusItem(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Whether the item at indexPath can be focused.
CanPerformAction(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, Selector, NSIndexPath, NSObject)
Whether the cell at the specified indexPath supports the specified action.
CellDisplayingEnded(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewCell, NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath has been removed.
DidUpdateFocus(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewFocusUpdateContext, UIFocusAnimationCoordinator)
Indicates that the focus changed as detailed in the context .
GetIndexPathForPreferredFocusedView(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView)
When overridden, allows the developer to specify the item that should initially receive focus.
GetTargetContentOffset(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, CGPoint)
When overridden, allows the developer to modify the content offset for layout and animation changes.
GetTargetIndexPathForMove(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath, NSIndexPath)
When overridden, allows the developer to modify the final location of a moved item. (For instance, to disallow a move to a particular proposedIndexPath .)
ItemDeselected(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath has been deselected.
ItemHighlighted(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath has been highlighted.
ItemSelected(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath has been selected.
ItemUnhighlighted(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the cell at the specified indexPath has been unhighlighted.
PerformAction(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, Selector, NSIndexPath, NSObject)
Whether the cell at the specified indexPath supports the specified Copy or Paste action.
ShouldDeselectItem(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Whether the cell at the specified indexPath should allow itself to be deselected.
ShouldHighlightItem(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Whether the cell at the specified indexPath should allow itself to be highlighted.
ShouldSelectItem(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Whether the cell at the specified indexPath allows itself to be selected.
ShouldShowMenu(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath)
Whether the cell at the specified indexPath should show an Action menu.
ShouldSpringLoadItem(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, NSIndexPath, IUISpringLoadedInteractionContext)
Method that is called to indicate whether the identified item should springload in the specified context.
ShouldUpdateFocus(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewFocusUpdateContext)
When overridden, allows the developer to prevent the focus change specified in context .
SupplementaryViewDisplayingEnded(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, UICollectionReusableView, NSString, NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the supplementary view at the specified indexPath has been removed.
TransitionLayout(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewLayout, UICollectionViewLayout)
The UICollectionViewTransitionLayout to be used when moving from the specified fromLayout to the toLayout.
WillDisplayCell(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewCell, NSIndexPath)
The cell is about to be displayed.
WillDisplaySupplementaryView(IUICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionView, UICollectionReusableView, String, NSIndexPath)
The supplementary view is about to be displayed.
GetInsetForSection(IUICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewLayout, nint)
The margins to apply to content in the specified section.
GetMinimumInteritemSpacingForSection(IUICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewLayout, nint)
The spacing between items in the rows or columns of a section.
GetMinimumLineSpacingForSection(IUICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewLayout, nint)
The spacing between rows or columns of a section.
GetReferenceSizeForFooter(IUICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewLayout, nint)
The size of the footer view for the specified section.
GetReferenceSizeForHeader(IUICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewLayout, nint)
The size of the header view for the specified section.
GetSizeForItem(IUICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionView, UICollectionViewLayout, NSIndexPath)
The size of the specified item's cell.
DecelerationEnded(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Indicates that deceleration relating to a scroll event has ended.
DecelerationStarted(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Indicates that deceleration of a scrolling event has begun.
DidChangeAdjustedContentInset(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Method that is called when the inset values change.
DidZoom(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Indicates that the specified scrollView has zoomed.
DraggingEnded(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView, Boolean)
Indicates that dragging has completed.
DraggingStarted(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Indicates that dragging has begun.
ScrollAnimationEnded(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Indicates that all animations relating to scrolling have completed.
Scrolled(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Indicates that the specified scrollView has scrolled.
ScrolledToTop(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Indicates that the specified scrollView's scrolling has ended at the top.
ShouldScrollToTop(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
Whether a scroll to the beginning of the scrollView should be permitted.
ViewForZoomingInScrollView(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView)
The UIView to scale when zooming is requested.
WillEndDragging(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView, CGPoint, CGPoint)
Indicates that dragging is about to end.
ZoomingEnded(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView, UIView, nfloat)
Indicates that zooming has completed.
ZoomingStarted(IUIScrollViewDelegate, UIScrollView, UIView)
Indicates that zooming has begun.