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webFolderType Enum


Specifies the type of Web folder.

public enum class webFolderType
public enum webFolderType
type webFolderType = 
Public Enum webFolderType


webFolderTypeBin 1

The Bin folder containing assemblies referenced by the Web application.

webFolderTypeBrowsers 7

The App_Browsers folder containing browser definition files.

webFolderTypeCode 2

The App_Code folder (and its subdirectories that are defined as code folders in the Web.config file) containing code files automatically compiled as part of the Web application.

webFolderTypeData 6

The App_Data folder containing data files.

webFolderTypeGlobalResources 4

The App_GlobalResources folder (and its subdirectories) containing resource files.

webFolderTypeLocalResources 5

The App_LocalResources folder containing local resource files for the pages in the parent folder.

webFolderTypeNormal 0

Any folder that does not have special semantics in ASP.NET.

webFolderTypeThemes 3

The App_Themes folder (and its subdirectories) containing .theme files.

webFolderTypeWebReferences 8

The App_WebReferences folder containing Web references.

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