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Asynchronous programming scenarios

If you have any I/O-bound needs (such as requesting data from a network, accessing a database, or reading and writing to a file system), you'll want to utilize asynchronous programming. You could also have CPU-bound code, such as performing an expensive calculation, which is also a good scenario for writing async code.

C# has a language-level asynchronous programming model, which allows for easily writing asynchronous code without having to juggle callbacks or conform to a library that supports asynchrony. It follows what is known as the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP).

Overview of the asynchronous model

The core of async programming is the Task and Task<T> objects, which model asynchronous operations. They are supported by the async and await keywords. The model is fairly simple in most cases:

  • For I/O-bound code, you await an operation that returns a Task or Task<T> inside of an async method.
  • For CPU-bound code, you await an operation that is started on a background thread with the Task.Run method.

The await keyword is where the magic happens. It yields control to the caller of the method that performed await, and it ultimately allows a UI to be responsive or a service to be elastic. While there are ways to approach async code other than async and await, this article focuses on the language-level constructs.


In some of following examples System.Net.Http.HttpClient class is used to download some data from a web service. The s_httpClient object used in these examples is a static field of Program class (please check the complete example):

private static readonly HttpClient s_httpClient = new();

I/O-bound example: Download data from a web service

You may need to download some data from a web service when a button is pressed but don't want to block the UI thread. It can be accomplished like this:

s_downloadButton.Clicked += async (o, e) =>
    // This line will yield control to the UI as the request
    // from the web service is happening.
    // The UI thread is now free to perform other work.
    var stringData = await s_httpClient.GetStringAsync(URL);

The code expresses the intent (downloading data asynchronously) without getting bogged down in interacting with Task objects.

CPU-bound example: Perform a calculation for a game

Say you're writing a mobile game where pressing a button can inflict damage on many enemies on the screen. Performing the damage calculation can be expensive, and doing it on the UI thread would make the game appear to pause as the calculation is performed!

The best way to handle this is to start a background thread, which does the work using Task.Run, and await its result using await. This allows the UI to feel smooth as the work is being done.

static DamageResult CalculateDamageDone()
    return new DamageResult()
        // Code omitted:
        // Does an expensive calculation and returns
        // the result of that calculation.

s_calculateButton.Clicked += async (o, e) =>
    // This line will yield control to the UI while CalculateDamageDone()
    // performs its work. The UI thread is free to perform other work.
    var damageResult = await Task.Run(() => CalculateDamageDone());

This code clearly expresses the intent of the button's click event, it doesn't require managing a background thread manually, and it does so in a non-blocking way.

What happens under the covers

On the C# side of things, the compiler transforms your code into a state machine that keeps track of things like yielding execution when an await is reached and resuming execution when a background job has finished.

For the theoretically inclined, this is an implementation of the Promise Model of asynchrony.

Key pieces to understand

  • Async code can be used for both I/O-bound and CPU-bound code, but differently for each scenario.
  • Async code uses Task<T> and Task, which are constructs used to model work being done in the background.
  • The async keyword turns a method into an async method, which allows you to use the await keyword in its body.
  • When the await keyword is applied, it suspends the calling method and yields control back to its caller until the awaited task is complete.
  • await can only be used inside an async method.

Recognize CPU-bound and I/O-bound work

The first two examples of this guide showed how you could use async and await for I/O-bound and CPU-bound work. It's key that you can identify when a job you need to do is I/O-bound or CPU-bound because it can greatly affect the performance of your code and could potentially lead to misusing certain constructs.

Here are two questions you should ask before you write any code:

  1. Will your code be "waiting" for something, such as data from a database?

    If your answer is "yes", then your work is I/O-bound.

  2. Will your code be performing an expensive computation?

    If you answered "yes", then your work is CPU-bound.

If the work you have is I/O-bound, use async and await without Task.Run. You should not use the Task Parallel Library.

If the work you have is CPU-bound and you care about responsiveness, use async and await, but spawn off the work on another thread with Task.Run. If the work is appropriate for concurrency and parallelism, also consider using the Task Parallel Library.

Additionally, you should always measure the execution of your code. For example, you may find yourself in a situation where your CPU-bound work is not costly enough compared with the overhead of context switches when multithreading. Every choice has its tradeoff, and you should pick the correct tradeoff for your situation.

More examples

The following examples demonstrate various ways you can write async code in C#. They cover a few different scenarios you may come across.

Extract data from a network

This snippet downloads the HTML from the given URL and counts the number of times the string ".NET" occurs in the HTML. It uses ASP.NET to define a Web API controller method, which performs this task and returns the number.


If you plan on doing HTML parsing in production code, don't use regular expressions. Use a parsing library instead.

[HttpGet, Route("DotNetCount")]
static public async Task<int> GetDotNetCount(string URL)
    // Suspends GetDotNetCount() to allow the caller (the web server)
    // to accept another request, rather than blocking on this one.
    var html = await s_httpClient.GetStringAsync(URL);
    return Regex.Matches(html, @"\.NET").Count;

Here's the same scenario written for a Universal Windows App, which performs the same task when a Button is pressed:

private readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();

private async void OnSeeTheDotNetsButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Capture the task handle here so we can await the background task later.
    var getDotNetFoundationHtmlTask = _httpClient.GetStringAsync("https://dotnetfoundation.org");

    // Any other work on the UI thread can be done here, such as enabling a Progress Bar.
    // This is important to do here, before the "await" call, so that the user
    // sees the progress bar before execution of this method is yielded.
    NetworkProgressBar.IsEnabled = true;
    NetworkProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

    // The await operator suspends OnSeeTheDotNetsButtonClick(), returning control to its caller.
    // This is what allows the app to be responsive and not block the UI thread.
    var html = await getDotNetFoundationHtmlTask;
    int count = Regex.Matches(html, @"\.NET").Count;

    DotNetCountLabel.Text = $"Number of .NETs on dotnetfoundation.org: {count}";

    NetworkProgressBar.IsEnabled = false;
    NetworkProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

Wait for multiple tasks to complete

You may find yourself in a situation where you need to retrieve multiple pieces of data concurrently. The Task API contains two methods, Task.WhenAll and Task.WhenAny, that allow you to write asynchronous code that performs a non-blocking wait on multiple background jobs.

This example shows how you might grab User data for a set of userIds.

private static async Task<User> GetUserAsync(int userId)
    // Code omitted:
    // Given a user Id {userId}, retrieves a User object corresponding
    // to the entry in the database with {userId} as its Id.

    return await Task.FromResult(new User() { id = userId });

private static async Task<IEnumerable<User>> GetUsersAsync(IEnumerable<int> userIds)
    var getUserTasks = new List<Task<User>>();
    foreach (int userId in userIds)

    return await Task.WhenAll(getUserTasks);

Here's another way to write this more succinctly, using LINQ:

private static async Task<User[]> GetUsersAsyncByLINQ(IEnumerable<int> userIds)
    var getUserTasks = userIds.Select(id => GetUserAsync(id)).ToArray();
    return await Task.WhenAll(getUserTasks);

Although it's less code, use caution when mixing LINQ with asynchronous code. Because LINQ uses deferred (lazy) execution, async calls won't happen immediately as they do in a foreach loop unless you force the generated sequence to iterate with a call to .ToList() or .ToArray(). The above example uses Enumerable.ToArray to perform the query eagerly and store the results in an array. That forces the code id => GetUserAsync(id) to run and start the task.

Important info and advice

With async programming, there are some details to keep in mind that can prevent unexpected behavior.

  • async methods need to have an await keyword in their body or they will never yield!

    This is important to keep in mind. If await is not used in the body of an async method, the C# compiler generates a warning, but the code compiles and runs as if it were a normal method. This is incredibly inefficient, as the state machine generated by the C# compiler for the async method is not accomplishing anything.

  • Add "Async" as the suffix of every async method name you write.

    This is the convention used in .NET to more easily differentiate synchronous and asynchronous methods. Certain methods that aren't explicitly called by your code (such as event handlers or web controller methods) don't necessarily apply. Because they are not explicitly called by your code, being explicit about their naming isn't as important.

  • async void should only be used for event handlers.

    async void is the only way to allow asynchronous event handlers to work because events do not have return types (thus cannot make use of Task and Task<T>). Any other use of async void does not follow the TAP model and can be challenging to use, such as:

    • Exceptions thrown in an async void method can't be caught outside of that method.
    • async void methods are difficult to test.
    • async void methods can cause bad side effects if the caller isn't expecting them to be async.
  • Tread carefully when using async lambdas in LINQ expressions

    Lambda expressions in LINQ use deferred execution, meaning code could end up executing at a time when you're not expecting it to. The introduction of blocking tasks into this can easily result in a deadlock if not written correctly. Additionally, the nesting of asynchronous code like this can also make it more difficult to reason about the execution of the code. Async and LINQ are powerful but should be used together as carefully and clearly as possible.

  • Write code that awaits Tasks in a non-blocking manner

    Blocking the current thread as a means to wait for a Task to complete can result in deadlocks and blocked context threads and can require more complex error-handling. The following table provides guidance on how to deal with waiting for tasks in a non-blocking way:

    Use this... Instead of this... When wishing to do this...
    await Task.Wait or Task.Result Retrieving the result of a background task
    await Task.WhenAny Task.WaitAny Waiting for any task to complete
    await Task.WhenAll Task.WaitAll Waiting for all tasks to complete
    await Task.Delay Thread.Sleep Waiting for a period of time
  • Consider using ValueTask where possible

    Returning a Task object from async methods can introduce performance bottlenecks in certain paths. Task is a reference type, so using it means allocating an object. In cases where a method declared with the async modifier returns a cached result or completes synchronously, the extra allocations can become a significant time cost in performance critical sections of code. It can become costly if those allocations occur in tight loops. For more information, see generalized async return types.

  • Consider using ConfigureAwait(false)

    A common question is, "when should I use the Task.ConfigureAwait(Boolean) method?". The method allows for a Task instance to configure its awaiter. This is an important consideration and setting it incorrectly could potentially have performance implications and even deadlocks. For more information on ConfigureAwait, see the ConfigureAwait FAQ.

  • Write less stateful code

    Don't depend on the state of global objects or the execution of certain methods. Instead, depend only on the return values of methods. Why?

    • Code will be easier to reason about.
    • Code will be easier to test.
    • Mixing async and synchronous code is far simpler.
    • Race conditions can typically be avoided altogether.
    • Depending on return values makes coordinating async code simple.
    • (Bonus) it works really well with dependency injection.

A recommended goal is to achieve complete or near-complete Referential Transparency in your code. Doing so will result in a predictable, testable, and maintainable codebase.

Complete example

The following code is the complete text of the Program.cs file for the example.

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

class Button
    public Func<object, object, Task>? Clicked
        internal set;

class DamageResult
    public int Damage
        get { return 0; }

class User
    public bool isEnabled

    public int id

public class Program
    private static readonly Button s_downloadButton = new();
    private static readonly Button s_calculateButton = new();

    private static readonly HttpClient s_httpClient = new();

    private static readonly IEnumerable<string> s_urlList = new string[]

    private static void Calculate()
        // <PerformGameCalculation>
        static DamageResult CalculateDamageDone()
            return new DamageResult()
                // Code omitted:
                // Does an expensive calculation and returns
                // the result of that calculation.

        s_calculateButton.Clicked += async (o, e) =>
            // This line will yield control to the UI while CalculateDamageDone()
            // performs its work. The UI thread is free to perform other work.
            var damageResult = await Task.Run(() => CalculateDamageDone());
        // </PerformGameCalculation>

    private static void DisplayDamage(DamageResult damage)

    private static void Download(string URL)
        // <UnblockingDownload>
        s_downloadButton.Clicked += async (o, e) =>
            // This line will yield control to the UI as the request
            // from the web service is happening.
            // The UI thread is now free to perform other work.
            var stringData = await s_httpClient.GetStringAsync(URL);
        // </UnblockingDownload>

    private static void DoSomethingWithData(object stringData)
        Console.WriteLine("Displaying data: ", stringData);

    // <GetUsersForDataset>
    private static async Task<User> GetUserAsync(int userId)
        // Code omitted:
        // Given a user Id {userId}, retrieves a User object corresponding
        // to the entry in the database with {userId} as its Id.

        return await Task.FromResult(new User() { id = userId });

    private static async Task<IEnumerable<User>> GetUsersAsync(IEnumerable<int> userIds)
        var getUserTasks = new List<Task<User>>();
        foreach (int userId in userIds)

        return await Task.WhenAll(getUserTasks);
    // </GetUsersForDataset>

    // <GetUsersForDatasetByLINQ>
    private static async Task<User[]> GetUsersAsyncByLINQ(IEnumerable<int> userIds)
        var getUserTasks = userIds.Select(id => GetUserAsync(id)).ToArray();
        return await Task.WhenAll(getUserTasks);
    // </GetUsersForDatasetByLINQ>

    // <ExtractDataFromNetwork>
    [HttpGet, Route("DotNetCount")]
    static public async Task<int> GetDotNetCount(string URL)
        // Suspends GetDotNetCount() to allow the caller (the web server)
        // to accept another request, rather than blocking on this one.
        var html = await s_httpClient.GetStringAsync(URL);
        return Regex.Matches(html, @"\.NET").Count;
    // </ExtractDataFromNetwork>

    static async Task Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Application started.");

        Console.WriteLine("Counting '.NET' phrase in websites...");
        int total = 0;
        foreach (string url in s_urlList)
            var result = await GetDotNetCount(url);
            Console.WriteLine($"{url}: {result}");
            total += result;
        Console.WriteLine("Total: " + total);

        Console.WriteLine("Retrieving User objects with list of IDs...");
        IEnumerable<int> ids = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 };
        var users = await GetUsersAsync(ids);
        foreach (User? user in users)
            Console.WriteLine($"{user.id}: isEnabled={user.isEnabled}");

        Console.WriteLine("Application ending.");

// Example output:
// Application started.
// Counting '.NET' phrase in websites...
// https://learn.microsoft.com: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core: 57
// https://learn.microsoft.com/azure: 1
// https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/devops: 2
// https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet: 83
// https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/desktop/wpf/get-started/create-app-visual-studio: 31
// https://learn.microsoft.com/education: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/shows/net-core-101/what-is-net: 42
// https://learn.microsoft.com/enterprise-mobility-security: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/gaming: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/graph: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoft-365: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/office: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/sql: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/surface: 0
// https://dotnetfoundation.org: 16
// https://learn.microsoft.com/visualstudio: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/windows: 0
// https://learn.microsoft.com/maui: 6
// Total: 238
// Retrieving User objects with list of IDs...
// 1: isEnabled= False
// 2: isEnabled= False
// 3: isEnabled= False
// 4: isEnabled= False
// 5: isEnabled= False
// 6: isEnabled= False
// 7: isEnabled= False
// 8: isEnabled= False
// 9: isEnabled= False
// 0: isEnabled= False
// Application ending.

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