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The TouchBehavior is a Behavior that provides the ability to interact with any VisualElement based on touch, mouse click and hover events. The TouchBehavior implementation makes it possible to customize many different visual properties of the VisualElement that it is attached to such as the BackgroundColor, Opacity, Rotation and Scale, as well as many other properties.


The toolkit also provides the ImageTouchBehavior implementation that extends this TouchBehavior by also providing the ability to customize the Source of an Image element.


The .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Behaviors do not set the BindingContext of a behavior, because behaviors can be shared and applied to multiple controls through styles. For more information refer to .NET MAUI Behaviors


The following examples show how to add the TouchBehavior to a parent HorizontalStackLayout and perform the following animations when a user touches or clicks on the HorizontalStackLayout or any of its children:

  • animates over a period of 250 milliseconds
  • applies the CubicInOut Easing
  • changes the Opacity to 0.6
  • changes the Scale to 0.8


Including the XAML namespace

In order to use the toolkit in XAML the following xmlns needs to be added into your page or view:


Therefore the following:



Would be modified to include the xmlns as follows:



Using the TouchBehavior


   <HorizontalStackLayout HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center">
                DefaultAnimationEasing="{x:Static Easing.CubicInOut}"
                PressedScale="0.8" />

            BackgroundColor="Gold" />
        <Label Text="The entire layout receives touches" VerticalOptions="Center" LineBreakMode="TailTruncation"/>
            BackgroundColor="Gold" />



The TouchBehavior can be used as follows in C#:

class TouchBehaviorPage : ContentPage
    public TouchBehaviorPage()
        var firstContent = new ContentView
            HeightRequest = 100,
            WidthRequest = 10,
            BackgroundColor = Colors.Gold

        var label = new Label
            Text = "The entire layout receives touches",
            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
            LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.TailTruncation

        var secondContent = new ContentView
            HeightRequest = 100,
            WidthRequest = 10,
            BackgroundColor = Colors.Gold

        var layout = new HorizontalStackLayout
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
            Children = 

        var touchBehavior = new TouchBehavior
            DefaultAnimationDuration = 250,
            DefaultAnimationEasing = Easing.CubicInOut,
            PressedOpacity = 0.6,
            PressedScale = 0.8


        Content = layout;

C# Markup

Our CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup package provides a much more concise way to use this Behavior in C#.

using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup;

class TouchBehaviorPage : ContentPage
    public TouchBehaviorPage()
        Content = new HorizontalStackLayout
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
            Children = 
                new ContentView()
                    .Size(10, 100)

                new Label
                    LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.TailTruncation
                    .Text("The entire layout receives touches"

                new ContentView()
                    .Size(10, 100)
            .Behaviors(new TouchBehavior
                DefaultAnimationDuration = 250,
                DefaultAnimationEasing = Easing.CubicInOut,
                PressedOpacity = 0.6,
                PressedScale = 0.8

Additional examples

Handling hover interaction

The TouchBehavior provides the ability to customize the properties of the attached VisualElement based on whether the mouse it hovering over the element.

The following example shows how to attach the TouchBehavior to a HorizontalStackLayout and change the BackgroundColor and Scale of the HorizontalStackLayout when a user hovers their mouse cursor over the layout and any child elements.

            HoveredBackgroundColor="{StaticResource Gray900}"
            HoveredScale="1.2" />

Handling long press interaction

The TouchBehavior provides the ability to handle the scenario when a user presses for a long period of time. This period of time can be defined by the LongPressDuration which is in units of milliseconds.

The following example shows how to add the TouchBehavior to a HorizontalStackLayout, bind the LongPressCommand to the IncreaseLongPressCountCommand defined in the backing view model and set the LongPressDuration to 750 milliseconds.

            BindingContext="{Binding Source={x:Reference Page}, Path=BindingContext, x:DataType=ContentPage}"
            LongPressCommand="{Binding Source={x:Reference Page}, Path=BindingContext.IncreaseLongPressCountCommand, x:DataType=ContentPage}"/>


Property Type Description
Command ICommand Gets or sets the ICommand to invoke when the user has completed a touch gesture.
CommandParameter object Gets or sets the parameter to pass to the Command property.
CurrentHoverState HoverState Gets or sets the current HoverState of the behavior.
CurrentHoverStatus HoverStatus Gets or sets the current HoverStatus of the behavior.
CurrentInteractionStatus TouchInteractionStatus Gets or sets the current TouchInteractionStatus of the behavior.
CurrentTouchState TouchState Gets or sets the current TouchState of the behavior.
CurrentTouchStatus TouchStatus Gets or sets the current TouchStatus of the behavior.
DefaultAnimationDuration int Gets or sets the duration of the animation when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultAnimationEasing Easing Gets or sets the easing of the animation when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultBackgroundColor Color Gets or sets the background color of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultOpacity double Gets or sets the opacity of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultRotation double Gets or sets the rotation around both the X and Y axes of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultRotationX double Gets or sets the rotation around the X axis of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultRotationY double Gets or sets the rotation around the Y axis of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultScale double Gets or sets the scale of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultTranslationX double Gets or sets the X translation of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DefaultTranslationY double Gets or sets the Y translation of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Default.
DisallowTouchThreshold int Gets or sets the threshold for disallowing touch.
HoveredAnimationDuration int Gets or sets the duration of the animation when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredAnimationEasing Easing Gets or sets the easing of the animation when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredBackgroundColor Color Gets or sets the background color of the element when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredOpacity double Gets or sets the opacity of the element when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredRotation double Gets or sets the rotation around both the X and Y axes of the element when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredRotationX double Gets or sets the rotation around the X axis of the element when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredRotationY double Gets or sets the rotation around the Y axis of the element when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredScale double Gets or sets the scale of the element when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredTranslationX double Gets or sets the X translation of the element when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
HoveredTranslationY double Gets or sets the Y translation of the element when the CurrentHoverState property is HoverState.Hovered.
IsEnabled bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the behavior is enabled.
LongPressCommand ICommand Gets or sets the ICommand to invoke when the user has completed a long press.
LongPressCommandParameter object Gets or sets the parameter to pass to the LongPressCommand property.
LongPressDuration int Gets or sets the duration in milliseconds required to trigger the long press gesture.
PressedAnimationDuration int Gets or sets the duration of the animation when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedAnimationEasing Easing Gets or sets the easing of the animation when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedBackgroundColor Color Gets or sets the background color of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedOpacity double Gets or sets the opacity of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedRotation double Gets or sets the rotation around both the X and Y axes of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedRotationX double Gets or sets the rotation around the X axis of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedRotationY double Gets or sets the rotation around the Y axis of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedScale double Gets or sets the scale of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedTranslationX double Gets or sets the X translation of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
PressedTranslationY double Gets or sets the Y translation of the element when the CurrentTouchState property is TouchState.Pressed.
ShouldMakeChildrenInputTransparent bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the children of the element should be made input transparent.


Event Description
CurrentTouchStateChanged Fires when CurrentTouchState changes.
CurrentTouchStatusChanged Fires when CurrentTouchStatus changes.
HoverStateChanged Fires when CurrentHoverState changes.
HoverStatusChanged Fires when CurrentHoverStatus changes.
InteractionStatusChanged Fires when CurrentInteractionStatus changes.
LongPressCompleted Fires when a long press gesture has completed.
TouchGestureCompleted Fires when a touch gesture has completed.


You can find an example of this behavior in action in the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Sample Application.


You can find the source code for TouchBehavior over on the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit GitHub repository.

Migrating From Xamarin Community Toolkit

In the Xamarin Community Toolkit, there was the TouchEffect if you are upgrading an app from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI there are some breaking changes that you should be aware of:

  1. API Name Changes
  2. TouchBehavior is now implemented as a PlatformBehavior

API Name Changes

Name In Xamarin Community Toolkit Name In MAUI Community Toolkit
TouchEffect TouchBehavior
NormalBackgroundColor DefaultBackgroundColor
NormalScale DefaultScale
NormalOpacity DefaultOpacity
NormalTranslationX DefaultTranslationX
NormalTranslationY DefaultTranslationY
NormalRotation DefaultRotation
NormalRotationX DefaultRotationX
NormalRotationY DefaultRotationY
NormalAnimationDuration DefaultAnimationDuration
NormalAnimationEasing DefaultAnimationEasing
NormalBackgroundImageSource DefaultImageSource (Moved to ImageTouchBehavior)
NormalBackgroundImageAspect DefaultImageAspect (Moved to ImageTouchBehavior )

TouchBehavior is now implemented as a PlatformBehavior

In the Xamarin Community Toolkit the TouchEffect was implemented as an AttachedEffect. To use the effect you would use the attached properties and apply to any VisualElement

In .NET MAUI the TouchBehavior is implemented as a PlatformBehavior which is now applied to the elements behavior collection, see Platform Behaviors for more information.

Note: By default in .NET MAUI PlatformBehaviors will not set the BindingContext property, this is because Behaviors can be shared in styles. The TouchBehavior will set the BindingContext property equal to the VisualElement it is applied to. This means that you should not share the TouchBehavior between elements via styles.

Below is an example of a TouchEffect being applied to a view in Xamarin.Forms:

<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal"
            xct:TouchEffect.AnimationEasing="{x:Static Easing.CubicInOut}"
            xct:TouchEffect.Command="{Binding Command}">
    <BoxView Color="Gold" />
    <Label Text="The entire layout receives touches" />
    <BoxView Color="Gold"/>

The equivalent TouchBehavior in .NET MAUI would look like this:

            DefaultAnimationEasing="{x:Static Easing.CubicInOut}"
            BindingContext="{Binding Path=BindingContext, Source={x:Reference TouchableHorizontalLayout}, x:DataType=HorizontalStackLayout}"
            Command="{Binding LayoutTappedCommand}" />

        WidthRequest="10" />
        Text="The entire layout receives touches"
        VerticalOptions="Center" />
        WidthRequest="10" />