Socket.LocalEndPoint is updated after calling SendToAsync

Socket.SendToAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs) now updates the value of the Socket.LocalEndPoint property to the socket's local address.

Version introduced


Change description

In previous .NET versions, Socket.SendToAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs) does not alter the value of the Socket.LocalEndPoint property on the socket instance. Starting in .NET 5, when SendToAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs) successfully completes, the value of Socket.LocalEndPoint is the implicitly bound socket's local address. This new behavior is consistent with the behavior of SendTo(Byte[], EndPoint) and BeginSendTo(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint, AsyncCallback, Object)/EndSendTo(IAsyncResult).

Reason for change

This change fixes a bug and makes the behavior consistent across SendTo variants.

Alter any code that assumes that SendToAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs) won't alter the value of Socket.LocalEndPoint.

Affected APIs