Version requirements for .NET 6 SDK

Starting with the .NET SDK 6.0.300, the .NET SDK no longer loads in version 16.11 or earlier of Visual Studio or MSBuild.

Version introduced

.NET SDK 6.0.300

Old behavior

The .NET SDK would load in the 16.10 and 16.11 versions of Visual Studio and MSBuild.

New behavior

The .NET SDK can only be used with version 17.0 or later of Visual Studio and MSBuild. In addition, any scenarios that use a source generator could fail when using a Visual Studio or MSBuild version earlier than version 17.2.

Reason for change

Changes were made to features within the SDK that aren't compatible with Visual Studio version 16.11.

Upgrade to Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0 or later. It's recommended that you use version 17.2 preview builds.

Affected APIs