There are numerous reasons for creating long-running services such as:
Processing CPU-intensive data.
Queuing work items in the background.
Performing a time-based operation on a schedule.
Background service processing usually doesn't involve a user interface (UI), but UIs can be built around them. In the early days with .NET Framework, Windows developers could create Windows Services for these purposes. Now with .NET, you can use the BackgroundService, which is an implementation of IHostedService, or implement your own.
With .NET, you're no longer restricted to Windows. You can develop cross-platform background services. Hosted services are logging, configuration, and dependency injection (DI) ready. They're a part of the extensions suite of libraries, meaning they're fundamental to all .NET workloads that work with the generic host.
Installing the .NET SDK also installs the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Worker and the worker template. In other words, after installing the .NET SDK, you could create a new worker by using the dotnet new worker command. If you're using Visual Studio, the template is hidden until the optional ASP.NET and web development workload is installed.
Many terms are mistakenly used synonymously. This section defines some of these terms to make their intent in this article more apparent.
Long-running Service: Any service that runs continuously.
Windows Service: The Windows Service infrastructure, originally .NET Framework-centric but now accessible via .NET.
Worker Service: The Worker Service template.
Worker Service template
The Worker Service template is available in the .NET CLI and Visual Studio. For more information, see .NET CLI, dotnet new worker - template. The template consists of a Program and Worker class.
Calls Run on the host instance, which runs the app.
Template defaults
The Worker template doesn't enable server garbage collection (GC) by default, as there are numerous factors that play a role in determining its necessity. All of the scenarios that require long-running services should consider performance implications of this default. To enable server GC, add the ServerGarbageCollection node to the project file:
An app based on the Worker template uses the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Worker SDK and has an explicit package reference to the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting package.
Containers and cloud adaptability
With most modern .NET workloads, containers are a viable option. When creating a long-running service from the Worker template in Visual Studio, you can opt in to Docker support. Doing so creates a Dockerfile that containerizes your .NET app. A Dockerfile is a set of instructions to build an image. For .NET apps, the Dockerfile usually sits in the root of the directory next to a solution file.
# See to understand how Visual Studio uses this# Dockerfile to build your images for faster debugging.FROM AS base
WORKDIR /srcCOPY ["background-service/App.WorkerService.csproj", "background-service/"]RUN dotnet restore "background-service/App.WorkerService.csproj"COPY . .WORKDIR"/src/background-service"RUN dotnet build "App.WorkerService.csproj" -c Release -o /app/buildFROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "App.WorkerService.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publishFROM base AS final
WORKDIR /appCOPY --from=publish /app/publish .ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "App.WorkerService.dll"]
The preceding Dockerfile steps include:
Setting the base image from as the alias base.
Changing the working directory to /app.
Setting the build alias from the image.
The MCR in stands for "Microsoft Container Registry", and is Microsoft's syndicated container catalog from the official Docker hub. The Microsoft syndicates container catalog article contains additional details.
When you target Docker as a deployment strategy for your .NET Worker Service, there are a few considerations in the project file:
In the preceding project file, the <DockerDefaultTargetOS> element specifies Linux as its target. To target Windows containers, use Windows instead. The Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Containers.Tools.Targets NuGet package is automatically added as a package reference when Docker support is selected from the template.
If you want to leverage User Secrets with the Worker template, you'd have to explicitly reference the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets NuGet package.
These two methods serve as lifecycle methods - they're called during host start and stop events respectively.
When overriding either StartAsync or StopAsync methods, you must call and await the base class method to ensure the service starts and/or shuts down properly.
The interface serves as a generic-type parameter constraint on the AddHostedService<THostedService>(IServiceCollection) extension method, meaning only implementations are permitted. You're free to use the provided BackgroundService with a subclass, or implement your own entirely.
Signal completion
In most common scenarios, you don't need to explicitly signal the completion of a hosted service. When the host starts the services, they're designed to run until the host is stopped. In some scenarios, however, you may need to signal the completion of the entire host application when the service completes. To signal the completion, consider the following Worker class:
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Create independently deployable, highly scalable, and resilient apps and services using the free and open-source .NET platform. With .NET you can use popular microservice technology like Docker, Kubernetes, Dapr, Azure Container Registry, and more for .NET and ASP.NET Core applications and services.