Output extensions

This article list and explains all Microsoft Testing Platform extensions related to the terminal output.

Terminal test reporter

Terminal test reporter is the default implementation of status and progress reporting to the terminal (console).

It comes built-in with Microsoft.Testing.Platform, and offers ANSI and non-ANSI mode, and progress indicator.

Output modes

There are two output modes available:

  • Normal, the output contains the banner, reports full failures of tests, warning messages and writes summary of the run. Output with 1 failed test and a summary

  • Detailed, the same as Normal but it also reports Passed tests. Output with 1 failed, and 1 passed test and a summary


Internally there are 2 different output formatters that are auto-detecting the terminal capability to handle ANSI escape codes.

  • The ANSI formatter is used when the terminal is capable of rendering the escape codes.
  • The non-ANSI formatter is used when the terminal cannot handle the escape codes, or when --no-ansi is used, or when output is redirected.

The default is to auto-detect the capabilities.


A progress indicator is written to terminal. The progress indicator, shows the number of passed tests, failed tests, and skipped tests, followed by the name of the tested assembly, its target framework and architecture.

A progress bar with 23 passed tests, 0 failed tests and 0 skipped tests

The progress bar is written based on the selected mode:

  • ANSI, the progress bar is animated, sticking to the bottom of the screen and is refreshed every 500ms. The progress bar hides once test execution is done.
  • non-ANSI, the progress bar is written to screen as is every 3 seconds. The progress remains in the output.


The available options are as follows:

Option Description
no-progress Disable reporting progress to screen.
no-ansi Disable outputting ANSI escape characters to screen.
output Output verbosity when reporting tests. Valid values are 'Normal', 'Detailed'. Default is 'Normal'.