Compiler Warning (level 3) CS0675

Bitwise-or operator used on a sign-extended operand; consider casting to a smaller unsigned type first

The compiler implicitly widened and sign-extended a variable, and then used the resulting value in a bitwise OR operation. This can result in unexpected behavior.

The following sample generates CS0675:

// CS0675.cs  
// compile with: /W:3  
using System;  
public class sign  
   public static void Main()  
      int hi = 1;  
      int lo = -1;  
      long value = (((long)hi) << 32) | lo;              // CS0675, value contains -1 (0xffffffff_ffffffff)
      // try the following line instead  
      // long value = (((long)hi) << 32) | ((uint)lo);   // correct, value contains 8589934591 (0x00000001_ffffffff)