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Compiler Error CS0150

A constant value is expected

A variable was found where a constant was expected. For more information, see switch.

The following sample generates CS0150:

// CS0150.cs  
namespace MyNamespace  
   public class MyClass  
      public static void Main()  
         int i = 0;  
         int j = 0;  
            case j:   // CS0150, j is a variable int, not a constant int  
            // try the following line instead  
            // case 0:  

This error is also produced when an array size is specified with a variable value and initialized with an array initializer. To remove the error, initialize the array in a separate statement or statements.

// CS0150.cs  
    namespace MyNamespace  
        public class MyClass  
            public static void Main()  
                int size = 2;  
                double[] nums = new double[size] { 46.9, 89.4 }; //CS0150  
                // Try the following lines instead  
                // double[] nums = new double[size];  
                // nums[0] = 46.9;
                // nums[1] = 89.4;  