<authenticationModules> Element (Network Settings)

Specifies modules used to authenticate network requests.




Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.



Child Elements

Element Description
add Adds an authentication module to the application.
clear Clears all authentication modules from the application.
remove Removes an authentication module from the application.

Parent Elements

Element Description
system.net Contains settings that specify how the .NET Framework connects to the network.


The authenticationModule element specifies the authentication modules that conduct the authentication process with a server. An authentication module must implement the IAuthenticationModule interface.

Configuration Files

This element can be used in the application configuration file or the machine configuration file (Machine.config).


The following example enables an authentication module. You should replace the values for Version and PublicKeyToken with the correct values for the specified module.

      <add type="System.Net.DigestClient, System, Version=2.0.3600.0,  
                 Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />  

See also