PictureBox Control Overview (Windows Forms)

The Windows Forms PictureBox control is used to display graphics in bitmap, GIF, JPEG, metafile, or icon format.

Key Properties and Methods

The picture that is displayed is determined by the Image property, which can be set at run time or at design time. You can alternatively specify the image by setting the ImageLocation property and then load the image synchronously using the Load method or asynchronously using the LoadAsync method. The SizeMode property controls how the image and control fit with each other. For more information, see How to: Modify the Size or Placement of a Picture at Run Time.

Transparent images

The following image formats are supported for transparency:

  • 32-bit PNG
  • 8-bit PNG
  • 32-bit BMP
  • 32-bit TIFF
  • GIF

Image transparency doesn't show other controls behind the PictureBox control. It only shows the background of the control.

See also