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ToolTip Component (Windows Forms)

The Windows Forms ToolTip component displays text when the user points at controls. A ToolTip can be associated with any control. An example use of this control: In order to save space on a form, you can display a small icon on a button and use a ToolTip to explain the button's function.

In This Section

ToolTip Component Overview
Introduces the general concepts of the ToolTip component, which allows users to see text when they point the mouse at a control.

How to: Set ToolTips for Controls on a Windows Form at Design Time
Describes how to set Tooltips in code or in the designer.

How to: Change the Delay of the Windows Forms ToolTip Component
Explains how to set values that control how long a Tooltip takes to appear and the length of time for which it is shown.


ToolTip class
Provides reference information on the class and its members.

Controls to Use on Windows Forms
Provides a complete list of Windows Forms controls, with links to information on their use.

Control Help Using ToolTips
Discusses Tooltips as a way to make brief, specialized Help messages for individual controls on Windows Forms.