What is the Difference between Advisory Services and a Technical Support Incident?

Microsoft Dynamics Advisory Services

Definition of Support Incident:

Support incidents can be used for problems with specific symptoms encountered while using Microsoft Dynamics products, where there is a reasonable expectation that the problems are caused by Microsoft products. Support incidents provide reactive support that focuses on a specific problem, error message, or functionality that is not working as intended. An incident is defined as a single support issue and the reasonable effort needed to resolve it. A single support issue is a problem that cannot be broken down into subordinate issues. If a problem consists of subordinate issues, each shall be considered a separate incident. Support incidents cannot be used for general advice and guidance.

You are responsible for implementing the procedures necessary to safeguard the integrity and security of your software and data and to reconstruct lost or altered files resulting from failures.

Definition of Advisory Service:

Partner Advisory Hours are used for Advisory Services requests to provide guidance beyond incident support needs. Typical advisory services cases focus on recommendations or best practices used to solve how-to scenarios that take advantage of Microsoft products and technologies. These can include guidance for migration, deployment, development, optimization, design and implementation, solutions, scenarios, and architecture.

Advisory Services are deducted from your available partner advisory hours. The hours deducted will vary based on delivery time for customized solutions. Partners with silver or gold competencies may receive presales advisory support at no charge for deals.

Chargeable vs. Non-Chargeable Support Incidents and Advisory Hours

For questions, please contact: MBSServo@Microsoft.com

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