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Headquarters Modified Purchase Orders

This page includes the modified purchase orders that are available for Headquarters. Click the Preview link to view a PDF of the modified report, and the Download link to download or import the file.

You can preview and download the following purchase orders for Headquarters:

To use one of these purchase orders, complete the following steps:

  1. Exit Headquarters Manager.
  2. Click the Download link and click Open.
  3. Select the .xml file in the .zip file and click Extract.
  4. Browse to the default templates folder found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Retail Management System\Headquarters\ReceiptTemplates. You also can find the location of the receipt files by opening Headquarters Administrator, choosing File > Configuration, clicking the Templates tab, and viewing the path found on the Purchase Order line.
  5. Click Extract.
  6. Use Headquarters Administrator to select the purchase order file under File > Configuration > Templates. See the description of each purchase order for more information about how to print it.
Purchase Order Name Preview Download
Purchase Order - Extended Description in place of Description This purchase order displays the extended item description instead of the usual item description. To print the purchase order, choose Inventory > Purchase Orders > Edit and select Print. (February 23rd, 2004) Preview - 17 KB (.pdf) Download - 1 KB (.zip)
Purchase Order - Supplier's Account Number in their Contact Information This purchase order displays the supplier's account number in their contact information. To print the purchase order, choose Inventory > Purchase Orders > Edit and select Print. (April 18th, 2005) Preview - 18 KB (.pdf) Download - 4 KB (.zip)
Purchase Order - Original Store Operations Purchase Order This purchase order corrects the misspelling of "Confirming" in the "Confirming To" field. The field is currently spelled as "Confriming". (July 14th, 2005) Preview - 18 KB (.pdf) Download - 4 KB (.zip)

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