Modern POS offline availability improvements


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
End users, automatically This feature is released. Aug 2, 2019 This feature is released. Oct 1, 2019

Business value

Offline functionality in Modern POS (MPOS) is critical to business continuity and continuous store operations. MPOS must be available whenever needed, and as a result, it is critical that offline mode is provided for the broadest set of scenarios. This feature further incorporates additional scenarios enhancing the already robust MPOS availability.

Feature details

This feature further expands the seamless offline functionality that exists in MPOS. Expanded scenarios include the ability to switch to offline manually prior to signing in to MPOS. This enables the ability to go offline and continue using POS operations even in disaster scenarios. The sign-in process is where the largest number of scenarios could occur to cause the terminal to switch to offline. To accommodate this, we have implemented an offline configuration that can be enabled or disabled in headquarters for advanced scenarios where MPOS will more quickly and more frequently switch seamlessly to offline during sign-in. For example, when a cashier or manager signs in to the application.