Further catch weight integration 10.0.2


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
End users by admins, makers, or analysts This feature is released. Feb 3, 2020 To be announced

Feature details

This feature provides various enhancements on catch weight product processing within warehouse management processes. We are providing the following additional integration work supported in the Fullscope ISV solution:

  • Mixed license plate receiving (transfer and return sales orders): enables warehouse app processing for catch weight products to use mixed license plate receiving for transfer and return sales orders.

  • Restrict weight adjustments: enables the possibility of restricting the warehouse management picking processes from capturing weights resulting in catch weight profit/loss adjustments for the following warehouse app processes:

    • Sales order

    • Transfer order

    • Production order

    • Movement

    • Movement by templates

    • Adjustment out

  • Weight capturing during movements: enables the possibility of capturing weight during internal inventory movements.

  • Catch weight tag maintenance enhancements: enables creation and correction actions directly in the catch weight tag form.

  • Data entity support for catch weight tags: enables a public OData-enabled data entity, supporting creation and maintenance of the catch weight tags.

See also

Feature exploration (video)

Catch weight product processing with warehouse management (docs)