Zone threshold replenishment
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Enabled for | Public preview | General availability |
End users by admins, makers, or analysts | Apr 8, 2019 | Dec 19, 2019 |
Feature details
Zone-based replenishment is a feature that uses min/max replenishment strategy but evaluates warehouse zones instead of individual locations. By not taking a dependency on a fixed location setup, the functionality allows for replenishment of dynamic locations. This opens up a min/max replenishment process for companies using dynamic locations, such as retailers that have numerous stocked items with a short live time.
At the replenishment template for min/max replenishment, the user specifies whether the threshold should be evaluated per location or per zone. In the case of zones, specific zones are then added to the zone-selection query. As it is for location-based min/max replenishment, zone-based min/max replenishment is based on setting up a minimum threshold of inventory that triggers the creation of a replenishment work order for selected items and item variants. In return, replenishment will be created for the quantity that increases inventory up to the desired zone maximum threshold.